Tl;Dr i broke up with my boyfriend after 1.5 yr of being together (it was mutual) . How do I move on?

So me and my boyfriend were actually best friends before we decided to date and the talking phase was for approximately 5 months and then we decided to date but then initial stages of our relationship were good but then we seemed to be running out of topics (were also preparing for competitive exams) and then after 6-7 months of being in the relationship he told me that he feels that he no longer feels as attracted towards me as he used to feel before and that his feelings are fading so then we both thought it was a phase and things might get better so we gave it a shot but then after 2 months my boyfriend started avoiding me and not talking to me at all and it used to be me who would constantly check on him and then one day i got annoyed of this and brought it up to him that I’m kinda done with this behaviour and then we broke up and he told me that he was completely over me but didn’t tell me cause he didn’t wanna disturb me coz i was studying for my exams…? So cause of breakup: loss of feelings and lack of compatibility. it’s been 3 days since we’ve broken up and i can’t seem to be okay and like accept it. Since we were friends for 2 years already. I don’t know how to move on.

Also he’s saying he wants us to be in touch and still be friends but it doesn’t take make sense to me because if there’s no compatibility how can we be friends again? Because we won’t have anything to talk about again.
Also i don’t feel valued by this person and always was taken for granted.

1 comment
  1. Sorry you are going through this. Just take it one day at a time. You should allow yourself to grieve the loss. Spend time with friends and maintain an active lifestyle. You will gradually think about him less and less. Work on yourself and make meaningful connections with the people close to you and enjoy their company. In a few months time you will feel like it was not a good relationship to be in.

    His actions hurt a lot and his lack of honesty caused you stress and made you question your self worth. He took the cheap way out and you deserve better.

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