WE DID IT!!! My husband (!!!) and I just eloped!!! We’re not telling loved ones until tomorrow but I HAVE to tell someone now!!

  1. How exciting! I love the goofy picture, it’s wonderful having a partner who has fun doing silly things with you. Also your ring is so lovely! Congrats

  2. Congrats!! Thats exciting! Me and my husband did the same. His mom and my mom knew and that’s it! 3 months later we had a family joining ceremony for the kids and us.

  3. I did the same and it’s the best thing we ever did. Congratulations! I think it was the coolest when just a couple of us knew for a while.

  4. You two look like you’re having an almost unacceptable level of fun, lol. Congratulations!

  5. My partner and I also eloped. The only wedding photo we have is of us together at a coffee shop afterward: we asked an older lady who was there to take the photo on one of our phones. That photo has since been printed on t-shirts and coffee mugs.

    We followed that up with a wedding ceremony about a year later so family and friends could attend (a cultural imperative for my partner). We have hundreds of photos from that day that are all stored on a computer hard drive…

  6. Congratulations 🎉🎂🌹❤️

    I kinda did that but my parents were there his parents didn’t know until later. He joined the army was gone the next week had a big wedding months later in December.

  7. When marriage is as restricted and cut off as it is today… This may very well become a great alternative.

    May God lead and guide you both, put Christ first, and live long and prosper. ❤️

  8. Congratulations ♥️ we did the same thing and it was so lovely and stress free 🫶🏼 beautiful ring

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