I grew up as a loner under the neglectful parents. I’m currently employed, but in my work life as well as in personal life, I have 0 connections. This stumped me from any progression on my career and I spend most of time home. I have no problem with this and feel comfortable and happy for being alone. My only concern is emergencies. What if I have an accident? What if I need a support from a caregiver? What if I have an issue during the time I’m away and need help? How do my loner friends here handle such things?

  1. > What if I have an issue during the time I’m away and need help?

    What do you mean by this? Like if you get a flat tire or something that you can’t handle alone?

  2. When you are alone keep your phone charged and call 911 if an emergency erupts. Nothing you cant handle yourself. Also keep your body Fit so most diseases wont get to you and heart attacks are less likely.

    Make sure you wont overdo it in the beginning and keep exercising a constant. I heard top athletes have a higher risk of heart attacks because they ask the maximum of their body for many years and suddenly stop when they retire.

  3. Also I dont think that you are happy alone. Could be that you dont mind it as much or you dont give it much thought.

    Dont get me wrong I like being alone. Sometimes for days where I do nothing but watch series or single player a game. Its the best.

    But we humans are social creatures. We like to socialize and feel welcome in our tribe. Its simply in our DNA. I guarantee you would like to socialize once in a while. Human interaction gives dopamine in the brain.

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