I have always been a bit socially awkward and growing up my parents never really did anything to comfort me whenever I cried. They would just ask me to stop and scold me further if I don’t. And I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up. Now I am in college and have made a bunch of good friends. But I lack certain basic social skills like comforting a sad/ crying person. One of my friends has been having quite a hard time for the past few months. And every time they cry all I’m able to do is stand next to them and pat their shoulder saying it’s going to be alright or hold their hands gently saying comforting words. Both me and my friend are physically awkward so a hug also doesn’t come naturally in such situations for both of us. Is there anything else I can do to make them feel better?

1 comment
  1. Just say that it is okay to cry and she/he should cry as long as they need to, to feel better. Sometimes it just needs to get out.Also carry some tissues around

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