I (27m) have been going out with my gf (22f) for almost a year. Everything is going great and I love her more than I loved anyone. She’s perfect and is absolutely stunning. We haven’t had sex yet tho and I’m wondering if that’s gonna be a problem or not. Will she eventually stop wanting me sexually? That’s all I really want to know since we haven’t done it yet. For some context we have tried before but she’s a virgin and hasn’t had any sexual experience and penetration is kinda painful for her. Every time we try it’s always result in me stopping before I can insert cause it’s too painful for her. Im also on the a bit above average size so she’s saying she needs to build up to me. She told me to buy her some dilators to see if that would work and it kinda has, but still ends up with me finishing myself off in the bathroom lol. I love her and don’t want this to ruin us. So I’m wondering if this is something to be worried about or not. I’m in no rush believe me I’m not. I’m glad we haven’t in a way but I’m wondering if this might come back and bite me in the ass. Will she still want me in the coming days even if we haven’t had sex? Weird question I know but any words or advice will be very much appreciated.

  1. If you’re patient with her, she’ll be patient with you. In fact that gets you points, there are guys who’s never wait a year for sex ever. If you still want to be with her and stick with her, she’ll want you MORE.

  2. I lived this situation, and in the end it turned out to have been a big problem, not spoken out. So yes.

  3. I know a couple who never consummated their marriage. They hung on for 20 years before getting divorced. Doesn’t sound perfect to me.

  4. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable. Either you or her will get tired of not being able to enjoy sex. Either do some research to try an figure it out or move on to someone more suited to you.

  5. Wrong question.

    Clearly yall want to have sex with eachother and are being patient until yall can build up to penetration and still doing other stuff in the meantime. So it doesnt matter if not having sex can ruin A relationship, it isn’t ruining YOUR relationship. Ya’ll still feel the same about eachtoher sexually and romantically.

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