I’m 17m and in highschool and I hate it I do terrible and I just want to leave as soon as my parents let me. I have no desire to do career or go to college to study something for another 4 years. I recently picked up bjj and I also go to the gym which is fun but it’s not my passion. Idk I feel like I’m just watching the days go by and not actually living my life and I will never start living it.

  1. Even for the most successful of us, passion and drive comes and goes. The idea that one day you will find that perfect amount of passion and it will fuel you consistently for the rest of your life is not realistic. Passion is something that is cultivated over time through hard work, and it ebbs and flows. Discipline and hard work, are the foundation of productive passion.

  2. I think trying to find a definate passion/meaning does more harm than good. As I always wil be wondering is this it then. So my position now is there are no definates, and there probably is nothing, but I’ll do what I can to have a nice time and hopefully some other people can too..

  3. It sounds like you’re bored. You need to break free from the monotony of society. I lived in the forest for a couple of months. It was dangerous, difficult, and lonely, but it was exactly what I needed. You need to be challenged physically and mentally. That’s why you like BJJ. Climb a mountain, run a marathon, learn to throw an axe. Just do somthing awesome.

  4. When I was your age I decided to join the miltary (Marines). Home and school life was total shit. TBH, I joined in the hopes that I’d get my head blown off. Turns out it was the most positive experience for me. It gave me time to sort out what I really wanted to do with my life.

  5. At your age I joined the marines. Certainly wasn’t my passion but it did teach me a lot about myself and the world.

  6. You don’t need to be passionate about your work, or your education. The best motivation is a cause, one that’s bigger than yourself. For myself, and I’d assume a lot of men, that’s family. I don’t care if I love or hate my job, as long as it lets me come home to a happy and healthy family, THEY make it all worth while.

    Look ahead, focus on becoming the kind of man you wouldn’t feel bad asking someone you love to commit to being with.

  7. That whole concept is overrated and overblown, if you don’t find something you are passionate about, that is fine, nothing wrong with that.

  8. I have a rule, be of service, so what ever I do, I try to bring people along. Second lean toward things that interest you and/or that you are good at. Even things like I like to talk in public for example. It will lead you to find a passion.

  9. Get a trade. There are a ton of them. I’d say Millwright but that’s what I did. I’m busy, I get to make and fix stuff. I feel good at the end of the day. I wanted to be a Cop when I was your age. I could never imagine that now.

    Many trades start at $30 and hour or more. There’s a whole bunch of new ones coming out now with ..(yuck).. green initiatives. I don’t like them but you might!

    Life is backwards. You don’t know what you’re good at until you’re older. We’re all in that boat with you….

  10. Don’t search for these things. Finish school and go enjoy life,go travel,work, volunteer, work in a camp. I’m almost 27 and I’ve gone back to college to try again. I know you feel lost and don’t know what to do but you’ve so much time. Go out and enjoy the little things in life. You’ll be surprised how much of an impact they’ll have on you later.

  11. Same. Took me years to learn how hard it is out here. Either go to college or learn a trade. You dont want to deal with shitty entry level jobs with pathetic managers that have fucking ego’s and think their somebody out here bc they run a warehouse. Find a path yourself and do it strictly for survival. Lots of higher ups in the workforce are POS. Your biggest concern should be finding a job that provides a comfortable lifestyle and skills that were earned and respected so you’re on equal footing and don’t have to deal with any condescending fucks

  12. For me my passion and drive came from a particular experience, when I was 17 I had no idea what I wanted to do. While your young you should spend the time bettering yourself to open as many doors as possible (education, experience, military service) make it easy to work in the field you find passion in when your older.

  13. What I found is tremendous satisfaction in accomplishing physical work – things like construction, mechanical work, even landscaping/gardening. I understand that what works for me may not for you, but I urge you to start looking at and dabbling in trades and skilled labor – like Electrician or structural steel. Those gigs can pay really well, you can start pre-apprentice type work during the summers (possibly) and they don’t take a huge investment in tools to get started. Auto mechanics can take $20 to $30,000 to kit yourself out (you can probably do it cheap for $8k but you’re going to replace and break a bunch of stuff).

  14. When I was your age I moved out of my parents house the day after graduation. Worked at a crappy job while I took various classes at a junior college to explore different things I knew nothing about,some were vocational some were academic, most were good due to the instructors passion and I learned so much more about different fields and occupations. I loved intro to welding but also civil engineering and art classes were my go to for stress relief. It’s hard to know what you want if you don’t have any experiences to reflect on. Keep busy trying different things, different jobs, different classes, I hated math in high school because of the teachers and barely graduated but now I have a job as a research engineer and I teach at the top public college in the US. I love my work but think I could have been just as happy in a vocational job because I like to use my hands and build things, there’s a satisfaction from being able to see your work at the end of the day. I got my first job doing what I love when I turned 35, took me that long to figure it out. There is no set timeline, do it at your own pace, learn what works as you go and above all be a good person, treat everyone with respect and give more than you take and people will help you on your journey

  15. Do something hard man, find something that seems just out of reach and fucking do that shit. If you made Mt Everest your bitch most other mountains seem tiny/easy, that’s how I see things at least, and that’s where I get my drive, just knowing that I’ve done harder things before. It’s ok if you’re not passionate about anything right now, life experiences make up a person’s passions so for a 17-year-old not to have that passion is ok.

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