I want to go down to the venue and ask them in person but I’m worried they’re the kind of people that will accuse me of being aggressive (I haven’t been in the past they just give those vibes)
In my contract it said they could deduct wages for anything owed to the company (I haven’t returned uniform) and specifies it will take £15 for the shirt. not all of my pay. I also haven’t been sent a wageslip

I’m so anxious and angry and I feel like they are doing it on purpose

Thanks for the advice, I went to ACAS, used a template, just said you have like a week to pay me or I’ll be taking it further and within about 10 minutes I got an email apologizing and saying I will be paid tomorrow !

  1. Send them an email saying you will be contacting ACAS for advice.

    Then contact ACAS for advice

  2. They probably are doing it deliberately. I would, in the first instance, go to the venue with a friend as a witness. Ask politely but firmly where your final salary is. Return the shirt to show goodwill. If the situation escalates; have your friend start recording, but don’t be obnoxious about it. If they say they will pay you at some point, get it in writing: this is your evidence if they then fail to pay. If all else fails, tell them you will take them to small claims court to get your money.

    Out of interest, how much are you owed?

  3. Return the uniform and ask them.

    If you’re concerned about any sort of false accusations, take someone with you and/or record the interaction on your phone (you can audio record a conversation for personal use without prior permission).

    After asking them, if you have further questions omas to how to proceed I’d suggest r/LegalAdviceUK for any further queries as you’ll get more accurate legal advice than in AskUK

  4. Go to the citizens advice bureau, with older payslips. They’ll draft a letter for you that will make them pay up quickly

  5. So, you are aware that there were bank holidays on 15-18th? I’d imagine that whoever in the company looks at this wouldn’t have been in to answer your queries.

    This is obviously unfair to you – but it’s likely to be an admin issue rather than them deliberately withholding pay. They probably would have removed you from the payroll as soon as you were fired and would have intended to pay you a final amount that includes your hours worked minus any deductions. Maybe there was an oversight, or someone was on leave meaning it didn’t get processed. Like I said – it’s unacceptable and shouldn’t happen – but it does. I’d imagine that your contract gives the company some leeway in how quickly it has to pay you your final salary.

    tl:dr – You will almost certainly get your final pay, it may just take a while. Giving them some hassle may or may not speed up that process. It depends on how much effort you want to put into it.

  6. It may not have come through as 15th was a bank holiday as was yesterday but I would also Look through your contract and see if they have anything in there, my previous company had training fees and it would catch so many people out, also had a policy stating that until equipment was retuned, the funds would not be processed until it was returned.

    Edit: I would advise against going down there, I work in HR and people would call or text me as if it was me who isn’t paying them, but it’s the CEO / chairman who makes that decision not HR or the Finance team. Going to the place will achieve nothing. If you still have no reply call ACAS and ask for advice. They also may not have replied to your emails as they have been off for bank holidays so may only see it today

  7. Like other people said it’s been a long bank holiday so they may have only just seen your emails this morning. I would probably give them the rest of today and tomorrow to respond unless you need your pay now.

    If you need the money now I would recommended giving them a call. When taking to them say you think it’s probably the long bank holiday which has caused the confusion – people are more willing to help you more quickly if you can give them a reason why there’s been the problem. If you blame them directly for the delay they may get a bit defensive and not put your problem at the front of the queue.

  8. Friday was a bank holiday. Some more organised places will pay you the day before, but others will wait until the next working day, which is today.

  9. Oh this happened to me too! But I did return my uniform and everything. I emailed the manager saying that she had till this date to send money before I take legal action. And obviously that scared her coz she sent it a couple days later.
    First though, I contacted the free phone line for employee rights acas or something? And they gave me some solid advice

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