Hey, so I asked this girl out who I’ve liked for a while, she said yes but first weekend I couldn’t make it and second weekend she was busy. The date we eventually agreed on was dependent on her work. Day before the date she left me a voice message saying she’d been called into work and if we could maybe do it another time.

I responded and put the ball in her court letting her know I’m flexible with my time, she said she’d keep me updated.

This was 4 months ago and she’s still on my mind, she literally comes into my mind and random times and it’s bugging me 😂. Now I don’t know if I should pop back up too her and get a clear rejection if she’s really not interested or just leave it. I never ask out twice but then again I normally get a straight up rejection or go on said date.

I’m worried about coming across as needy or too keen (even if I am keen) or maybe even desperate.

So do I find an excuse too pop up or do I just leave the ball in her court 🤷‍♂️

Thanks in advance

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