Last year I got invited to my 22M best friend Halloween party, I brought my other good friend as a +1. At the end of the party me and my +1 started cleaning up my 22M best friends house but we overdid it and spilled some alcohol and cleaning solution. My 22M got really mad at my +1 as he spilled some, I started defending my friend saying it was an accident and he should calm down, and it turned to a big altercation. My best friend told me to grab my “friend” and get the fuck out of his house, I was trying to calm the situation and reason with him, but my 22M friend took me by arms and neck and literally threw/pushed me out of his house. I had bruises on my arms after, I couldn’t believe it happened. In anger I msged him that we won’t be friends anymore as this behavior was not acceptable, and I blocked him everywhere. He tried to reconcile 1.5 months later as it was my b day, but I just said thanks for the wishes and never said a word after. Should I reconcile with him? He was my best friend for a long time since I was 11, but at the same time his alcohol fueled rage is not the first time occurrence (first time it hit me though), and he also said a bunch of hurtful personal shit about me and my family during the altercation. At the same time as we aged he became the sort of friend who I would just drink with, nothing else really, we do have same interests but mostly drank together. Did you ever forgive a person like that after a fight where you got physically and mentally hurt? Thoughts?

1 comment
  1. You yourself are saying that you don‘t really hang out outside of occasionally drinking together. You don‘t seem to have any common interests and overall drifted apart a bit.

    The fact that he is turning a simple mistake into something physical is not good and honestly concerning. Not to mention that he used this situation to hurl hurtful remarks about sensitive topics at you, which is just as questionable and would personally deter me from being friends with this person anymore.

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