I texted a girl I’ve had a FWB relationship with for some time now a couple of times over the span of a couple of days to which she didn’t respond to. Although, she has always been quite flakey, she told me that she really appreciates that I continue to reach out to her.

Yesterday I texted her ” I remember you said that you “appreciate” me. I must say now that you’re pushing me away, I don’t feel appreciated at all. It’s as though now that I’ve outlived my usefulness to you, I’m being discarded like a piece of trash,” which prompted an immediate response from her where she texted me. “I’ve been super busy and locked out of my phone. About to drive but please call later after 3.” I told her that sounded cool and that I would talk to her then.

So, I called her after 3 and she didn’t pick up, so I texted her “You told me to call you after 3, so I did.” Within about a minute she called me back and told me about the errands she was in the middle of running and that she should be more-free when she’s in town next week as well as the fact that she got a new car. She also said that I should try giving her a call back in an hour, but she might be busy with chores.

So, I tried giving her a call back after an hour and when I called it went to her voicemail and my phone indicated that she was actually trying to call me back while I was hearing her automated voicemail message, so I tried answering the call but accidentally hung up on her incoming call, while trying to back out of the call that I had given her on my phone. So, I tried calling her back, but it went straight to her voicemail again, so I’m not sure what happened.

So what was it about the text I sent her about not feeling appreciated that seemed to elicit an uncharacteristically immediate response from her?

What might she have been hoping to discuss with me if I had not accidentally hung up on her later that day?

1 comment
  1. Did you try calling immediately after you hung up on her?!??!

    She obviously wants to talk to you about this. The logistics might be difficult but she is trying.

    It’s not at all unusual for someone to suggest a call if they get a text complaining about a major issue.

    She clearly wants to show you are appreciated. Which is sort of lucky for you…..I’ve got to say a lot of people (me included) would have interpreted that text as being super whiny. It quite possibly could have ended with the opposite effect.

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