Ill start with any ‘hacking’ scene. It would be some guy sitting behind his pc for months, googling away and probably failing in the end.

Another thing that comes to mind is the classic ‘fighting bad guys’. They dont just run in sight and spray away. Fire fights can takes days with little to no progress. Also, people dont just die when they are shot or fall to the floor unconcious when hit once.

Now that im thinking it over and writing this, movies are really not that real.

  1. Any sort of training montage where the person needs to get in shape. It takes months if not years to train for an athletic event. But in the movies its always like 2 weeks, and they are ready to take on the champion for the title.

  2. One of the true milestones in the transition from childhood to adulthood is when you realize that movies and television aren’t real. If you constantly expect reality to conform to those expectations (good will always win, you’ll get a beautiful girl at the end, and that “inner strength” alone will save you), you will live a misguided life defined by disappointment.

  3. How Harry Met Sally is the only movie that I think depicts dating accurately

    Also a lot of things depict dating as this big constant show display of affection where you’re constantly going on romantic dinners and seeing fireworks

    Than the couple does fall in love and the credits roll

    These movies almost never show the heated arguments a couple will have over something as mundane or dumb as the dishes or where you’re gonna eat

    You have no idea how many arguments I have just cuz someone was grumpy after waking up

    The biggest fight I had with my ex that lead to us breaking up was started over the laundry

  4. So many courtroom dramas would take dozens of episodes to get through a single case and have nothing dramatic happen whatsoever.

  5. The end of any conversation where people decided to meet. Gotta work out place and time, write stuff down. At a minimum, swap cell numbers so you can text later.

  6. Legal and court proceedings. They’re short and dynamic in movie scenes. In reality they are unreasonably long, excessively complicated, suicide-inducing, ultra-boring, super-bureaucratic hellish experiences. You would PAY to watch paint dry compared to legal stuff.

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