Who was your first crush and what were they like?

  1. First crush was Kelly Kapowski. First real crush? I don’t even remember her name.

  2. Purely a physical crush, a guy in my grade in junior high who’d been held back a few times and was taller/more developed than anyone else in our grade. He was one of the two major bullies in school and while I was never one of his targets, I don’t think we ever spoke more than a few words to each other. I went to a different high school than him and never saw him again.

    Looked him up on Facebook years back out of curiosity and his profile picture looked like a mug shot, so I assume that’s about how things are going for him nowadays.

  3. A girl named Melissa. I was about six years old, and she was a girl who I think I shared a class with. A quiet, freckled ginger. The thing is though, I don’t even know if she actually existed now that I think back. I’ve never been able to find anything on her

  4. Preschool, girl, dark long hair. Don’t remember much save for that. She was an evil little shit, laughed in my face along with the rest of the bus when a “friend” of mine spilled the beans that I had a crush on her. They all laughed the whole way back to school.

    I threw a toy firetruck at her head as revenge later but for most of preschool I just smashed the “friend”s head into the play structure everyday. It was fucking preschool but I think that counted as a crush.

  5. Let me start by telling you that I am a rather large guy…. A couple of years back we had a cat named Molly. She was a very loving and friendly cat. Walking through the living room I stumbled and fell…. Let’s just say Molly ain’t no more.

  6. The Moore twins. One was super quiet and chill and the other was the party girl. I had a huge crush on the quiet girl.

    They all roasted the fuck out me for it tho. From 9th to 12th grade. I had a crush on them for 4 whole ass years. They all knew, wasn’t a secret as almost every boy there did and some of the girls.

    Senior year I had finally mustered the courage to talk to them, and I asked who they were going to prom with and the quiet one said her date and the party girl didn’t have a date. She looked me right in the eyes and said I don’t have a date because nobody asked me. I stared at her for a good 30 seconds and then said “that’s weird” got nervous and walked away.

    About 10 years later I woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night realizing she MIGHT have been hoping I would ask her…

  7. Was around the 6th grade. There was a girl in my class – pretty, always nice to everyone, always confident, had a great singing voice.. that was the first and the last time in my life when I simped for someone, heh.

  8. Sophomore year- early 90’s and we would have sex while listening to van Morrison. Then I would go play football, and repeat the next Friday.

    Her mother found out and they moved out of town.

    I ran into her in my late 30’s and she couldn’t remember my name. Guess i turned her out.

  9. My first crush was a girl with long dark brown hair in elementary school. She transferred into my school in 4th grade and I didn’t think anything of her at the time because of how quiet she was and how much she kept to herself.

    In 5th grade something about her changed, I’m still not sure what it was but she just looked really mature to me all of a sudden. I had a massive crush on her throughout 5th grade and all of middle school.

    We never spoke in person, but I did catch her looking at me sometimes. I was way too nervous and shy to say anything to her except through a Myspace message. She responded and it seemed like she was a really cool person, but we never spoke to each other beyond that day I messaged her.

    I went bowling with my parents in middle school and I saw her at the bowling alley by chance. She shouted my name in surprise, but I guess we were both too shy to say anything since we didn’t even say hi to each other and she left with her family later on without either of us saying anything to each other.

    In high school I very rarely saw her, but when I finally did again she somehow looked completely different and that crush I had on her had gradually gone away over time since we never spoke.

    We never had a class together in high school and I haven’t seen her since then, but I do still wonder about her sometimes and what would’ve happened if I just tried talking to her in person back then.

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