Not while in a committed relationship, just while going on dates.

  1. If I ever at any point have the thought “they just don’t seem as crazy about me as I am about them.”

    IME a man that’s genuinely interested in a relationship will make that very apparent.

  2. Honestly now it’s just if there’s no spark on the first date. I used to give it a few dates to see if something developed but now if there’s nothing after the 1st then I stop there. Dating is exhausting enough without trying to force something and from my experience if it’s not there to start with, it won’t be there after two or 3 dates either

  3. If my needs aren’t being met and they have no interest or intention on trying to meet them.

  4. I’m currently going thru this..i have a lot of unresolved abandonment issues and extremely anxious attachment style so about 1 month after radio silence and being ghosted is when i decide to move on 🤡

  5. If they say/do something sexist and aren’t open to seeing a womans perspective on it

  6. When I start having doubts/confusion if they like me. If a man is genuinely interested in you, he’ll definitely show it and you won’t have to question it.

  7. when we discuss something 10 times already and he says he will change for the better but he never does

    so i just decided to move on and instead of investing myself into a relationship where i’m not valued, i just wanna live for myself now and spend as much time as i want playing video games like infinity kingdom on bluestacks, that makes me more happy

  8. Usually I don’t date someone until I know them pretty well, so I guess just realizing we’re great friends but not great romantic partners?

  9. Neediness.

    I’ll break up with someone if they think it’s appropriate to constantly pester me all day.

  10. When I feel like they aren’t interested in me.
    When they can’t hold a conversation or they have nothing to talk about or say.
    Their attitude. Sometimes that can be a turn off.

    It’s all up to you. You’ll feel it.

  11. I am a firm believer in the saying “If he’s interested you will know, if he’s not you’ll be confused.”

    So if I start to feel like I am a chore, if he just doesn’t have time, if there is a huge drop in communication, effort, affection, I know it’s time to move on.

    I also believe this works both ways.

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