What’s something you were not a fan of, until you tried?

  1. The US.

    Still not a hard core fan, but I can definitely understand why people are fascinated by the country now, and also the landscapes are actually some of the most beautiful I have ever seen

  2. Fish. I couldn’t stand the smell. Absolutely repulsed me. Then when my husband and I first got together he insisted on making fish for me and I love it. I even have my own recipe for salmon.

  3. Flare jeans, especially very wide flare jeans. They look so flattering on me and my butt. Makes my butt look bigger as I don’t have much there. I LOVEEE flared jeans now!!! I’m a skinny and straight leg girl.

    Grab a fun, colored flared jean (I like pink, green or red) chuck on your favorite crop or tank top and a pair of sunglasses and boom you’ve got an easy and quick outfit! I like to put my hair into a French claw clip twist with this outfit! One of my favorite night out outfits! I love Rollas for flared jeans. They’re an Australian brand. I haven’t found any other brands so I’m open to recommendations.

  4. Zip lining. I’m scared to death of heights, but went along with family because I love my nieces. I was terrified, but swallowed it down and got harnessed up anyway. Turns out I absolutely loved it.

  5. I don’t want to make this nsfw but.. Trying all the holes to choose from.

  6. Sushi. I don’t like seafood, turns out there’s a lot of chicken / vegetable sushi available and they’re delicious!

  7. High speed rail. I didn’t understand the hype until I rode one in Asia. Economy class seats have more legroom and are wider than any first class plane seats I’ve been on. You can even walk around if you’re tired of sitting. You can bring onboard any liquid (as long as it’s not flammable or dangerous) and much heavier luggages. There were much less security to go through. Normally I would have taken this trip by driving for ten hours (and any car or bus would have felt miserably cramped by the end of the ten hours) but the train only took three hours.

    If Amtrak is high speed rail then I would never fly domestically again.

  8. Anchovies. I worked in a pizza joint and had to decant a lot of them every night. I thought they stunk and just couldn’t get how people ate them. One day I tried a new pizza the boss was making and I said, what’s this lovely sweet, salty, tasty thing on this. Anchovies. Bloody loved them! I researched them and include them in so many dishes now. Pizza ain’t pizza without my Anchovies!

  9. Cooking shows. Had never been a fan until I watched one with my boyfriend at the time (now my husband). It was the original Iron Chef. He would cook me Top Ramen (all we could afford because of rent) and we would watch episodes and talk about trying the foods they were making. It led to so many other cooking shows over the years….. but my favorite with him still is Iron Chef with Good Eats a close second.

  10. Weed. Had a pretty negative view of it until I once gave in and tried it. My attitude towards it changed. Very much a fan now

  11. Red bean paste. Didn’t know how beans could be a nice dessert. But Tsubu-An (strained red bean paste) has a nice gentle sweetness, thick fudgy texture, and really pretty bordeaux color – what’s not to love?

  12. Wireless Earphones – I could actually move anywhere everywhere whenever while doing god knows what

  13. Dipping fries into milkshakes.
    My sister always did it and I used to judge her a lot, but then she made me try it and it’s not as bad as I expected

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