Men do you like when it rains outside at night, why?

  1. Yes – if I’m going to sleep or staying in. I often like to walk at night though and in that case I DON’T like the rain.

  2. Yes, except when it rains in the dead of winter when it should snow. Global warming upsets me.

    It otherwise comforts me because I know I’m fortunate to have a roof over my head.

  3. Yes, at least to the extent it starts raining AFTER I let the dogs out for the final time. If it rains before then, now I’ve got wet dogs that think they need to sleep with me & who’ll track muddy paws on my floor.

  4. Yes because the noise is relaxing and something about it raining at night just puts my mind at ease

  5. Rain at night is usually peaceful and the refreshing, snow on the other hand is a nightmare waiting to be dealt with when you wake up.

  6. I love it when it rains. Period. One of my traits I picked up growing up around Seattle.

  7. I have mixed feelings. there’s something comforting about hearing the rain outside mywindow.Sometimes I stick my head out of the kitchen window and just lean on the sill, watching the rain.

    Then i start feling bad because I’m warm and safe and other people are out there getting cold and wet.

  8. I’ve come around on it but growing up that was a massive HELL NO. My friends all said I was crazy, but we had aluminum siding of some sort around the windows and it sounded like a drum was playing in my ears if it was anything more than a light mist

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