My bf and I have been together for 5 years. Up until about year-year and a half ago I could have sex without any issue. Basic lubrication and I’m ready to go in a minute. Now, I cannot. My body rejects it. I’m so sick and tired I just want to have normal sex again. It is so painful. Literally cannot stand it. My doctor says it’s normal sometimes, she basically ignored me and dismissed it like it’s no big deal. To me it is. My bf has all the understanding in the world and no issue with this. Other than feeling sad and sorry for me since I am in such a bad pain. I can be super turned on and lubricated to perfection but still. So painful. Feels like burning and scratching. Bad irritation almost. He is 100% clean all the time and so am I. Going to toilet after sex (or attempt at it) feels like the worst burn ever.

Now, two major things to take into consideration are:
– his penis is larger than average and I feel like it’s thicker (but it has always been this way and we used to have sex without issue as I said)
– i have had issues with cysts on my ovaries that keep coming back

If anyone has any idea how to help please leave a comment, it would mean the world to me.

  1. You need to see a new doctor. I freaking HATE doctors who blow you off when you have a problem! You could have vaginismus

  2. When you mention that it burns when you pee aswell and not only when you have sex, it sounds alot like an STD. Untreated for too long could cause sterilization for both you and your bf. Some people don’t even show symptoms. Go to a serious doctor!

  3. Find a new doctor that listens, takes your concerns serious and works on coming up with a solution.

  4. With you mentioning issues with cysts, it’s possible your hormones could be out of whack –

    It’s an odd suggestion (but it worked for me) have you tried a menopausal lubricant with topical oestrogen? I had thinning of the vagjnal tissues due to hormone imbalance and the lube was a great aid while I waited for my hormones to get back to normal. I used it for a few weeks before attempting.

  5. Pain with sex is not normal and that doctor is an idiot. Please find a new doctor!

    I know you said you don’t think it could be an STI, but you really should get checked. Just to rule it out!

    You aren’t using latex condoms are you? If so, could be a latex allergy.

  6. This might be really basic but I find if I don’t drink a good amount of water in a day I get very dry and have to use lube. I’m normally pretty lubricated. Also as I have gotten older I find it has gotten more noticeable.

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