I have a FWB I’ve known since October. In person he’s a really cool guy but once we talk over text he’s unbearable. He’ll text me and then get mad that I don’t respond right away, and when he does get mad he goes “well, I guess we’re not talking till next week/month bye”. Also, if he asks me to hangout and I say I’m unsure, he’ll bring up “oh I have money here for you but you have to come see me” or he’ll yet again go “well, I guess you don’t want to hangout with me. I l’ll see you next week/month, good luck”. It’s just really weird to me, and makes me feel like he’s trying to pressure me into doing what he wants. To end it all off, I recently had a moment of severe depression (I’m sure you can guess what I mean) and he said that he’d make me feel better by having sex with me, which felt insanely insensitive. Am I reading these things wrong? Am I overreacting? He makes me feel like I’m overreacting.

TL;DR: My fwb makes me feel pressured to text him back, hangout, and doesn’t seem to care much as a friend

  1. Why are you entertaining his level of passive aggressive whining? I’m a dude a bit older than either of you and I have zero time for that kind of horseshit.

  2. I mean, this is pretty straightforward. When somebody flips out that you’re not responding fast enough, you shut that shit down. And if he wants to pout and be hurt, you LET him.

    Like literally, if I didn’t respond to something that didn’t require an immediate response in five minutes

    “I guess we’re not talking until next week.” “Well, if you’re going to act like that, we’re definitely not.”

    In person, I would be very clear that he needs to chill or the relationship isn’t going to last. And then you have to mean it.

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