My GF is coming to visit from the east coast in a couple of weeks and I feel like the relationship has run its course. The long distance is proving to be too challenging. I love her, but when we’re apart I’m miserable. I’ve told her this and she says she also feels the same, which I believe. I just don’t know how much longer I can do it. We’re both in good places with our jobs and have our own reasons for wanting to stay put. But after doing this for over a year I have recently started to realize that it’s making me the most depressed I’ve ever been.

Even when we’re together it’s mostly good, but there’s always a ticking clock, counting down when one of us has to leave. And I can’t complain too much since we see each other once a month.

I think I’ve pretty much made my mind up that it’s best for both of us if things end, but with her coming out in a couple of weeks do you think it would be better to do it before, during, or after she’s here? I would hate to do it over the phone, and I would pay for her ticket, but I just wonder what would be the best option in a shitty situation. The problem with it being while she’s here, she wouldn’t have anywhere to go except for a hotel or something. So that seems fucked up.

TLDR; what is an appropriate way to break up with someone that lives 3000 miles away, but is coming out to visit in 2 weeks?

  1. Videochat her today and end it. Why would you visit you, just to rip the bandaid off then or even later?

  2. End it now so she has time to cancel her plans, or plan something different for her vacation time. You will make things worse by putting it off until after she visits, as you will both be miserable during your time together.

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