i think i have social anxiety but im try to talk to other ppl outside of my class so im in grade 10 and i thought to myself maybe i need to make a friend in grade11 or lasr grade 12 so i can know ppl s experiences and you know its been 3 weeks when i started trying to socials and finally this monday i had the courage to ask a guy about whats he s studying it was a really small sarcastic talk while talking he step back he doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable but the opposite he was laughing idk but he didnt look uncomf i wanted to talk more but i couldn’t i had classes i dont even know his name i want to talk more tbh i loved the feeling of doing something afraid of and i also nee to know what does it mean when he took a step back

  1. Keep doing stuff like that. If not for him, do it for your own good – you said yourself, it was fun doing something you were afraid of.

  2. Just leave this experience behind and keep being chill with him. You don’t know what he was thinking at the moment but if you are generally kind around him and give off a good vibe without any bad intentions then you should be fine. Trust me, he won’t think you would be weird for this, he probably forgot about it anyway/

  3. Sarcasm is a special skill that you shouldn’t use unless you really know how to do it well, and without hurting people’s feelings.

  4. I feel you. I do overthink sometimes with people’s body language. But I’d like to encourage you not to mindread. Meaning, maybe he didn’t mean it that way at that moment to make you feel that way.

    If he doesn’t want to talk again to you, it may hurt, but trust me, there are other people out there.

    Good luck!

  5. He probably didn’t expect someone he didn’t know to open up and ask him something or talk to him. So he gave off an awkward body language.

    If he was going to be mean or dislike you he would’ve said something nasty right off the bat.

    So I’d say so far so good. Hell, you’re doing better than I ever did in school talking to people.

    I was bullied at almost every turn. I’d open my mouth to say “hey, did you watch the…” And one dude cut me off saying “you’re a fucking loser etc”
    So you’re ahead of the game.

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