How do you deal with the criticism being in a interracial relationship?

  1. If it was someone I knew irl I would cut them off.

    Strangers on the internet? Call them out on their racism to see the excuses they come up with and then also ignore them.

  2. I am 74 and have openly dated whomever I please ever since I was an adult. That’s right — over 50 years ago. And I lived in Texas.

    I had some problems until about 40 years ago. And then I just didn’t see it happen to me anymore. I know it probably happens somewhere. But it just didn’t happen to me.

    Now am married to a Latino guy and nobody ever thinks about it at all.

    I think that it’s a myth that racism is only a southern thing. I watch the news and know people from all over.

    I see racism in general going on in northern states a lot more than I see it in the South

  3. I’m a white Irish guy married to an Indian woman. Never had the slightest issue or even a comment in passing. I’m sure it can happen but thankfully we haven’t encountered it

  4. Well if anyone is criticizing you for being an a interracial relationship it’s shows their lack of emotional immaturity and lack of growth and awareness. I wouldn’t waste a ounce of my energy on them at all.

  5. I don’t deal with people who are disrespectful of my relationship. I assume there is something seriously wrong with them and walk away from that.

    Inside my own family I’ve dealt with that some. My mom had an issue with it and I simply told her either she deals with her issues or she can take a hike.

  6. If it’s my people, I would still wanna clarify things out cause s/he may be shocked or clouded by my relationship (which I really have, I have a Belgian Fiancé, and I am a Filipina) and when s/he still wouldn’t get along with the fact that I have this kind of relationship and we deliver no harm to them, then that’s it – cut off.

    But if it’s some sort of stranger, I’d ignore it. But if it happens again or if I woke up on the rough side of the bed then I’d face them with some harsh facts that my life is happy and I’m well-loved by my Fiance.

  7. I’ve been in several interracial relationships, and for the most part we never really got criticism, thanks to where I live (yay purple state).

    That being said, I did date a black guy in high school with a very critical family, and that relationship garnered a lot of criticism… but only from his family. They were originally from Kenya, and had come to the US when my ex was a kid. They refused to meet me, but consistently told him that I was a white trash gold digger that was dragging him down. The only racism I’d ever seen up to that point was my own moronic family *(who my mom constantly reminded that I was half Mexican to make them shut up when I was a kid)* so it was a really strange experience for me. I never really got to resolve that, but many years later he married another white girl… so apparently he grew out of his family talking ish, eventually.

    For the record, the only thing I asked of my 24 yr old boyfriend when I was 17 *(btw, this was also the FIRST relationship I started to figure out I did NOT want to date older people, for anyone cringing at that 7 yr age difference)* was that he get an apartment so we didn’t have to go out and spend money to hang out, we both lived with our parents. He kept that apartment after we broke up, and actually we staid distant friends until he died a few years back. He was a good guy, and it was interesting to watch him emotionally grow after our breakup, especially because he was older than me, but raised so very differently. I’m glad he found what he was looking for before he died.

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