So i am into a tinder match. She had sex with guys previously, she had unprotected as well.
So i was with her, we could’ve fucked but while making out, i saw there were some dark spots in her groin. I didn’t go for sex. I mean i had condom, but i read if that’s std, even condom can’t prevent that. But we really want to have it!
She’s saying she’s clean but those spots near her groin(referring to the thigh area just beside vagina), are making me panic and that’s a turn down.

Are dark spots mean std? Or it can be something else too? (Girls especially , please help me).
Also, what are the warning spots/signs for std if you can guide me.
Thanks and sorry for being such a dumbass.

  1. If you are really concerned about STDs you should get to know her until you get the feeling you can trust her about her saying that she’s clean. If you just trying to fuck than you should always be on the side of caution and that’s honestly on you what your risk taking threshold is.

    Imo, if she’s going raw with other guys as of late I wouldn’t pursue. That’s just me though.

  2. 😒😒😒seriously you’ve never had razor burn or a mole?? If you’re that concerned both of you go to the health dept and get an STD check. If she refuses to go get tested than she’s not the one my friend. Someone who’s been with 2 people unprotected should be more than happy to test for a new partner

  3. It’s really hard to say what dark spots might be. They could be anything from freckles to scars from a prior infection. Maybe ask her? If she’s told you her sex history, she should be willing to tell you about the dark spots. Also, you sound like you know you could be putting yourself at risk.

  4. Some people have naturally darker skin down there. Was it dark spots like dots, or is just just overall dark skin?

  5. Could it be an STI? Sure. It could also just be pigmentation, a birthmark, moles, ingrown hairs, an injury. Your description is very vague. But just because it’s near her pubic area doesn’t indicate it’s a STI.

  6. It’s entirely possible they could be razor burn or from hair growing back after waxing. The bikini line (pubic hair that grows around the groin) extends over to the very top of the thighs for a lot of women. I currently have this and I get tested frequently and have a clean bill of health.

    For your own peace of mind, you could say that you would like for both of you to get tested before sleeping together, as sti risk is a concern for you (don’t mention the spots though) She might get upset and end things, but it is more than okay to put your own health and peace of mind above someone choosing to sleep with you

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