With the [recent revelation that Pence](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64392871), too, had classified documents at his home I’m just going to assume that everyone who’s ever had access to classified documents brought them home.

So…where do you keep yours? Personally, if I store stuff away I tend to forget about it, so I have a big stack on the dining room table of my classified documents. Sure, some food gets on them sometimes. There’s some spaghetti stains and I spilled coffee once or twice. But if I don’t leave them on the table how can my toddler find them to color on?

  1. Well in my basic, pro forma annual classified information handling course they told me not to do that so I don’t.

    You have no idea how hard it is not to shove classified documents with…sentimental value?…in my bag at the end of each work day.

  2. I just use them as doodling paper. State secrets are printed on better paper than the toilet paper I’d be using for my drawings otherwise. (Obviously I also stole the toilet paper from the White House/Capitol Building.)

  3. Man if it weren’t for that freak accident with the wood chipper I would still have some around

  4. I genuinely keep better track of documents that are merely confidential or even just work product.

    Wild that information regarding someone’s DUI case is better protected than classified government files

  5. I keep them in my closet, under a giant stuffed animal.

    On a real note, countless politicians from both parties probably have some.

    I think we need to see that system overhauled and then just charge the ones who won’t turn them over.

  6. I threw away my filing cabinet when we moved in May. Until then I used them in place of the missing toilet paper. Killed 2 birds with one flush(at a time)

  7. Man, these guys really should have taken Public Administration 101.

    “Don’t take home classified documents” is like the 3rd goddam lesson you learn. Only comes after the “get ready to be blamed for everything even if its not your fault” lesson and “If your looking for money, your in the wrong feild” lesson.


    Joe’s major in undergrad was history and political science. Mike was a history major. Trumps was economics.

    Gonna assume they missed all the public admin classes

  8. Are you telling me none of you guys have been giving them out as tips to delivery drivers?

  9. Since I’m a zoomer I don’t have paper copies lying around, instead I just make silly little tik toks at work with the nuclear launch codes displayed on my monitor.

  10. I don’t want anyone seeing my Social Security card but I don’t think it’s technically classified.

  11. With some folding, they fit nicely in the ol’ “nature’s pocket”. I just have to be careful to avoid paper cuts.

  12. I had a few in my home while working from home.

    I had to update a classified computer (meaning it can’t be on any network) using a CD, then compile a bunch of CUI documents – both digital and physical – to create one big classified report.

    The best part was wrapping it in a bubble mailer, taping it a certain way, then dropping it off at CVS for a Fed-Ex pickup the next morning.

    Good times. But to answer, I have none in my home. I always took the material back to work. It may have taken a few months due to COVID restrictions, but it went back.

  13. I’ve since burned mine. They pertained to our Stargate which they made a movie about and let the cat out of the bag anyway.

  14. I’m not trying to start anything, but at this point are we 100% sure that the docs weren’t planted there by someone?

    I’m not saying that DID happen, but would your really put it past our intelligence agencies to do that for political purposes?

    And what exactly did those documents pertain to, exactly that was so dangerous? At this point we’ve seen agencies deem documents as classified purely for political purposes. Meaning just because something is classified isn’t a 100% guarantee that it contains material that would harm the nation if it got out.

  15. I store my classified documents in an unsecured word file.

    Because i live in 2023. In a modern society.

  16. It is very very likely that every high ranking official between the president, vice president, secretary of state, secretary of defense, etc, has at some point had classified documents in their possession unlawfully.

    It is silly to think that they haven’t. These people are more or less above the law and are not concerned with following the rules for handling it. There is enough trouble keeping your rank and file goon to follow the rules, nevermind someone with all the authority.

    They searched Pence to take heat of Biden because he appears to be a classified document hoarder as it turns out. If they searched Obama they would find some, same with Bush, ect.

    The real aspect of this story is that Penn place they found some of Biden’s at was largely funded by the Chinese and about 25 million in “anonymous” donations (which means China or Russia probably).

  17. As someone who occasionally plays War Thunder you never know when you need to make a point to prove someone wrong online…..

  18. I think they should search every past President and Vice President homes and offices. Apparently this is a widespread issue.

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