Men who started being sober couple weeks/months ago, how’s your life going ? How do you handle it ?

  1. I’ve had to stop drinking because it doesn’t work well with my antidepressants. I used to drink a lot when I did drink, and when there’s always some alcohol around… Yeah you can see where this is going.

    The first couple of days are terrible. The sweat, the chills, the random shakes at night, randomly vomiting sometimes for no reason. That bit sucks. The less shitty but still annoying parts are that I’m bored more easily, I’m always hungry (there are so many calories in booze holy shit), I don’t really know what to do with myself when other people are drinking.

    But the positive side of it is my memory is better, I’m generally happier, I don’t have such a short fuse anymore. I actually care about stuff again. I’ll still have the odd drink every now and then, but never enough to even feel it. And it always stops at one. My GF helps keep me to that.

    It’s hard, but if you drink as much as I used to, it’s definitely worth it.

  2. I started getting into winter sports and found a group of people to go hang out with at least once a week so I have more social connection/interaction. That sense of belonging and stress release has done wonders for me.

  3. Eh I miss it but it’s not like I need the shit to survive

    The longer you go being sober the more you start to realize being sober isn’t so bad and being drunk/high isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be

    It’s not like that crap cures your depression or fixed your life

    It’s just a buzz

  4. I stopped drinking about 2 weeks ago because I decided to lose some weight and start lifting again. Also, having even a couple drinks at night was really messing with my sleep. I was drinking pretty regularly though. LIke a couple drinks almost every night.

    I don’t really crave it. Honestly, alcohol wasn’t even really having any particularly good effects. Just side effects.

    I would say it’s harder to stop snacking and eating unnecessary carbs.

    I do still smoke some weed every now and then. So not 100% sober.

  5. Reading these comments is making me very concerned.
    I don’t really drink that much and I am slowly trying to get into drinking a bit more (not for fun or enjoyment, but to learn about alcohol and alcoholic beverages). I have never felt any need to drink alcohol with any regularity and I could stay sober for years if need be, it feels very surreal seeing people get addicted to alcohol and have it fundamentally control their lives.

    It’s actually quite scary reading these comments.

  6. How about a couple years ago? Feb 2020 on my birthday was the last time i drank had an okay time. But it wasn’t as much fun as it was when I was younger. I hated seeing the way alcohol controls my father in law and how seeing how stupid he is when drinking. We’ve a few scares with him and it made me decide to call it quits. Every once in awhile I want a drink but it goes away pretty fast.

  7. I’m sober this morning and let me tell you its kinda annoying

    but I just smoke too much weed it’s really just a being a boring person problem

  8. I started to try to get zero drink days. It’s hard. I’m functional, petty healthy, and workout every day, but I do enjoy my evening drink. Getting older now, so need to cut back. Don’t want to get into trouble later on.

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