I’m a female just curious about what men would prefer and why.

  1. Never had one but if i did, i would prefer a girl that i been good friends with and know also she has to be single too.

  2. This will vary man to man, I’m ngl I couldn’t never become FWB with a friend for a while, I’m only friends with a few women and I’m friends with them just as friends, I don’t want to date any of them ( hard to believe I know) whilst I agree that 90 percent of men cannot seem to have a female friend or friends that they don’t want to sleep with, it is actually possible, there just isn’t many of us, especially under 30 years old.

    Another friend I’m extremely close with her ( like a sister bond), if you have some affection to them already which is natural for friends, once sex is involved it’s without a doubt that one of the people involved will catch more romantic feelings rather than pure sex.

    So if you want my advice, do a FWB who isn’t actually a good friend, just actively look for a FWB if you only want that and that alone

    FWB with a close friend rarely ever works out as just that

  3. The whole point of “friends with benefits” is that you’re actually “friends”. If it’s someone you barely know that’s just hooking up.

  4. Id rather be fwb with someone I don’t know. Why risk a friendship over sex when I could have that with a rando I’m not friends with

  5. All my fwb were girls I barely knew before we started, if I’m good friends with someone it’s better to date them

  6. The person I barely know with an STI and HIV – blood work up is probably preferable.

    My logic is: this will not destroy your friendship with the one you knew for a long time; and it is not inevitable, but it is probable there will be no steps to make a commitment going forward.

    Risking a good friendship is a tragedy. Finding good friends is also tough. It is better to be safe than sorry. Also, any accident you can walk away from is a good experience.

  7. Well if you have that type of access whichever you find more appealing. I wouldn’t care if I knew them or not as long as feelings and intentions were mutual. Easier with someone you already know because you can skip the getting to know each other phase.

  8. Well….. I’m really good at the FWB thing. I got a divorce 8 years ago; one daughter 17F, I’m 39M. My X always brought new guys around her. My daughter hated it. Long story short. I got my daughter full legal and full physical custody. I promised her I wouldn’t bring anyone into our lives. Well, I kept that promise.

    I’ve had multiple FWB, with new women and old friends. It always worked out well. Yeah, the occasional class 5 clinger situation would happen, but, I always was honest and told the individual what it was from the start. I feel honesty and empathy go a long way and other women respect you because of this.

    My heart and soul were damaged when I got a divorce. Sleeping with women was purely to satisfy my needs as a human. Well, fast forward to a few months ago. I ran into an old friend of my sister’s from high school. We were talking for a few minutes that night; the way she looked at me, ignited this fire inside of me. I haven’t felt these feelings for a long long time.

    She is 33F, with 2 kids and was currently separating from her boyfriend. I didn’t put much validation on the feelings I had that night. I chalked it up to the alcohol. Well 3 months of FWB, we both caught feelings. Slowly, we started to talk about the future and what this was. I let my guard down and left myself emotionally available again. A few nights ago she came over and gave me the old speech. “I’m giving him another chance, it’s what’s best for my kids, blah blah blah”.

    Now, I’m left with this bullshit after letting her peak inside my heart. I’m a little upset and mad at myself. Life will go on though. Moral of the story. If you start getting feelings, run away as fast as you can. Unless that’s what you want. Usually, one side always ends up getting hurt.

    Someone usually always gets hurt. If you can’t keep your emotions in check, don’t do it.

  9. Someone I know. I’d have a better grasp of their personality and habits and can make the decision to engage based on that.

    A rando FWBs could very well be emotionally unstable or carry STDs and not care who she gives them to.

  10. I would never do FWB if I must be honest.. its a committed relationship or nothing.. not looking to mess around, looking for a future wife!

  11. Easy to catch feelings for a friend and ruin it. But I’ve hooked up with women I barely knew and we became friends as a result of the hookups. No feelings, just fun & building friendship.

  12. Fwb is a weird concept to maintain, very rarely do 2 random people want to fuck each other but never take it anywhere. Most people fuck different people not maintaining constant relationships until they find a good one and make it official. Choosing to fuck someone I don’t want to be with on a regular basis kinda feels like wasted time, but I think the terms of FWB mean you have to know the person hence the word friends. If you don’t know the girls you’re fucking that’s just dating I think lol

  13. a good friend I know. me personally, just because I’m losing trust for almost every female I don’t know

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