I don’t want to keep asking him/bothering him to meet up but it’s starting to feel like I’m the one always initiating?
I know my libido is probably higher than his, but I’m curious what people would normally expect in terms of how often you’d meet up?

I don’t like the idea of multiple partners, but I’m already worried we might not be compatible enough :/

  1. If he doesn’t want too, maybe you need a new FWB who is capable of meeting your needs and has a likewise sex drive. It’s the point of FWB, right…..

  2. I don’t normally expect anything. I tell people exactly what I’m looking for and ask if they’re looking for the same. That can look like a bi-weekly setup. Once a week. Or thrice a week. There is no normal. Just communication.

  3. Whatever we’ve discussed as our general availability. I only have time for meet ups with my FWB every other week or so. I make sure my partners understand my preferences and actual availability. Have you two discussed it?

  4. i would say 3-4 times a week personally. but everyones sex drives are individual. i know that 3-4 times would be 2 rounds minimum per though haha (the first one always lasts 30 seconds lol)

  5. I mean part of the reality of a FWBs thing is that it is near the most casual end of the sexual relationship spectrum. By definition, there isn’t really any definition of roles or responsibilities.

    It can honestly be any amount of frequency and one of many different things: FWBs could be a friend of a friend in your social circle and you guys hook up every time that group goes out together.

    It could be an ex girlfriend who calls you for sex some nights when she’s drunk.

    Could be a friend from college that you get drinks with and spend the night whenever she’s in town for a weekend.

    Could be someone you met on a dating app a while ago, and while it never became exclusive, and you’re both kinda seeing other people, she’s had your Tuesday nights on lock for a while now, and you guys know each other pretty well, but aren’t looking for a relationship with each other.

    All of these types present very different frequencies, but all are FWB scenarios. At the end of the day, FWB is voluntary and casual, with no responsibilities or expectations outside of safety and consent. All you can do is ask your FWB what’s up, and if he’s down to bone more.

  6. Just be careful, ive gound that seeing them too often leads to feelings (ew). Especially if one sleeps over for the convenience of sex the next day

  7. Mine comes over 4 times a week. Sometimes more…We’re close friends too though. I do worry about him wanting to make me his girlfriend though

  8. Tell him you’ve been wanting to experiment with some new kinks and see if he engages more. He may just want some variety

  9. > I don’t want to keep asking him/bothering him to meet up but it’s starting to feel like I’m the one always initiating?

    Why do you care? He is a FWB. He is a life support system for a vibrator. Call him whenever you want to fuck. Trust me, I guarantee that he would love to get some pussy more often.

  10. If he isn’t turning you down I’m sure it’s fine. I usually had 2-3 going at the same time. The main benefit over a relationship is that you aren’t obligated to be monogamous.

  11. Daily would be ideal but a couple times a week is fine. I understand when people are busy though.

  12. Then you should go for multiple partners. I have plenty and I know atleast two of the girls I meet have a lot more fwb’s than me as well 🙂

  13. Ehhh if I had a fwb and she was constantly hitting me up I would prabably only respond sometimes. But that is because if we are fwb then it is very realistic im also seeing other women.

  14. Ideally every few weeks. I’ve a FWB and it’s currently now annually. Last time I saw her was last February. Time to get my calendar out 😂

  15. I expected at least once a week, but between me, his ex wife, and his soon to be gf, it was about every 2 weeks, lol. And no, I didn’t know about the other girls.

    Yeah I won’t ever do that again.

  16. idk it’s up to y’all

    i see mine like 3 ish times a week bc we have the same friend group and hangout on the weekend w them + once a week ish w just each other

  17. Depends on the person, typically once a week is reasonable. At the beginning it can be more and tends to get less over time.

    It should feel natural and fun, if it’s not then you might want to reconsider proceeding or have a talk and level set expectations so you’re both on the same page.

  18. FWB relationships are totally free form.

    You can set the expectations as you like! If you want to see them more, just do so.

    Now if he’s refusing, that’s a different story. You might just not have compatible libidos in which case you might want to cycle him to the back.

  19. I would hook up with a FWB weekly or bi weekly when I’m horny. If we go three weeks without a bang. Then the setup is mainly over.

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