What are the things you should absolutely do in your 20s?

  1. Travel, *if* you have the opportunity; not everyone has that luxury. But even to go a couple hours away for a week to see how things are different, it helps put your own experiences into more perspective.

  2. Start working in a good trade. Save money, invest along the way and retire at 53, it’s life changing to have financial independence and retirement at a “young” age… then travel or do whatever you god dam want to, with style.

  3. Buy your first home/property. But more importantly, learn the market and make a smart decision based on future equity or cash flow. Live poor, save everything you can, and buy when the market is low.

    Even a lower value home in a family friendly neighborhood will give you decent equity growth, and worst case you have the house paid off in your 50’s.

  4. Live below your means and start investing. I’m not saying you should east only beans and rice and rent a broom closet in skid row or some tiene FIRE scheme, but start cultivating good financial habits, your future self will appreciate that compound interest.

    Start exercising. If you were active in your teens, stay active.

    Take risks. It’s a good age to fail. Still, be smart about it.

  5. Bang lots of hot chicks, get a degree worth something, a job that pays the bills with about 10-20% you can put towards saving at end of month. Maybe by or after 28 you can settle down with family if you find a girl you are truly compatible with and best friends with.

    Anything less and expect your 20’s to be a regret.

  6. Quit using nicotine products (If you do).
    Save money (in the manner of when shit hits the fan),
    And Brush your teeth

  7. Have a whore phase. No strings attached, use always protection and learn a lot about your sexuality.

  8. As you get older you’ll take on more responsibility and making mistakes will be more costly. So I’d say take more opportunities and learn from the mistakes that evolve from that.

  9. Seems be lots of advice here from teenagers saying sex and travel. I say to focus on getting good habits on health, finances and friendships. If you find the right person to settle down with great. Getting married and starting families is simpler in your 20s than your 30s. I know lots of people will say you need to get your finances in place first but I say BS to that. You will always find a way to support a family of your smart. There is loads of time to travel when kids get older and when they leave. Watching people in their 40s run around chasing small kids is kinda sad.

  10. If you don’t already have good health habits, develope them before bad habits start to cause problems in your 30s and 40s.

  11. Start and build a career while you are young and have little responsibilities like paying bills, owning a gome, kids etc.

    If you have the income that allows it, do some traveling. It only becomes more difficult as you get older.

  12. Travel, party, have adventures, study.

    Then keep doing that in your 30s, 40s, 50s and so on.

  13. Go to a bar, a club, go dancing and having fun with other young folk.

    Once those opportunities are gone? They’re gone. You’ll only be young once so don’t set yourself up for endless regret by missing the fun part of life.

  14. Have a lot of sex and try all of your sexual fantasies. Have fun. There is no shame. Enjoy !

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