My bf [27M] and I [25F] dated for a year and we broke up. We had concerns about our future (I didn’t want to live with my MIL but he wants to). Now that we’ve broken up, I feel like I messed up. I believe I can work myself up to living with my MIL in the future but maybe I shouldn’t have brought it up so soon. We aren’t even close to being engaged and I felt like maybe I was just rushing things.

He told me that I should just work on myself for now – but I have so much regret with this breakup. I want to message him and ask to try again in this relationship but I also want to respect his decision. What’s the right thing to do in this situation?

TDLR; my bf and I broke up [27M and 25F] and I want to get back together. What should I do?

  1. Meh, nothing is lost by trying communication. Just be ready and able to deal with no in an appropriate way.

  2. Why does he want to live with his mom? And why do you need to live with your MIL for the relationship to continue?

  3. You want to live with your partners mother in law?

    You’re deluding yourself. Probably a bit of buyers remorse. Find a sensible bloke who doesn’t want to live with mummy.

  4. Before you jump the gun is there a reason to why he wants to live with his mum like she needs at home care, is alone with no income and can’t support herself or is he just a mummy’s boy, communicating your feelings why you don’t think it’s reasonable to live with his mum is te main thing I personally wouldn’t want to live with my partners parents long term it’s abit unusual for a couple to live there I’d probably find out more about this then come to the decision on whether or not it’s worth pursuing

  5. No. Don’t do it. He’s 27 and still wants to live with his mum? First you need to ask yourself why. The basic answer is probably because she still does everything for him and he doesn’t have to behave like an adult. You move in and you’re going to end up looking after both of them.

  6. Hey OP, I believe I remember reading your original post on here about your bf not wanting to leave his mom and asking advice on what to do. From the description of what I remember. It sounded like your bf was being controlled by his mother and was perfectly fine with it. His mom wouldn’t drive herself anywhere and it was his job to take her to work and pick her up. His mom was more important than anything including you and both your futures. So please don’t go back to someone that is 27 and can’t leave the nest or realize his mother is controlling/using him. You can find someone that is better and wants a life with you, not a three way with his mom.

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