Wanna hear people’s experiences on this. If they take longer than 10 minutes in the bathroom, you’re like “yeah it’s over”

  1. You mean the girl is Supposed to come back to the table from the Lady’s room? and not slip out the back door and get in an Uber?


    Wow, I’ll have to work on this issue!!!

  2. I’ve had it happen to me but there have been occasions where I’ve had to end the “date” or wanted to escape. Most recent was when I met a girl off Bumble. She was over an hour late, so I made my way home, I then get a call from her asking me to meet at a different bar than the one I arranged. I thought why not and made my way there. When I finally meet her she’s really drunk and not making sense. I genuinely wanted to just leave her there and go. But I didn’t in the end.

  3. I’d have to feel very, extremely unsafe to do this on a date. I mean fear for my own safety. If a girl does this solely because she doesn’t like the guy and he hasn’t done anything wrong, that’s fucked up.

  4. I personally haven’t but it makes me a little nervous to go on dates. I have health issues and if they start acting up I might be in the bathroom a little bit longer than I want to be. Guess I’ll have to make sure I take my phone and be like “I didn’t forget about ya!!” 😂

  5. I was 19 back then, and was talking to a guy on Tinder. extremely hot, tall and had a good sense of humor! he was 3 years older than me. we talked day and night until we decided to meet up. for some reason, when I met up with him at a restaurant, the moment I saw him, I had a sharp gut feeling that told me to run. (don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t catfished, it was him.) but something was completely off as all the emergency bells went crazy in my body. I couldn’t shake it. so I told him I had to go to the bathroom, and he said “why?” I said I badly needed to go, and he seemed really annoyed, but I continued anyway. the bathroom was to the right and the exit was to the left. I saw him staring at me while I was walking, then I took one final glance at him and I ran as fast as I could and never looked back. the guards even assisted me because someone was following me, it was him and another man.

    up until now, I wonder what could’ve happened if I didn’t listen to my gut feeling and went home with him.

  6. I used that play not too long ago. 1st date, I was trying to be funny and ask it like a pick up line: “Pfizer or Moderna?” She responded with, “Neither. I’m not some sheep.” Realizing she was being serious, I responded with, “well let me go wash my hands real quickly,” and left entirely.

    That’s something I don’t do to people, but I’ll make an exception if they’re an antivaxxer.

  7. Yes, after I berated the hostess for being ugly, yelled at the server for taking too long and made a nasty crack about a POC the next table over.

  8. Some girl at my job literally told me she went on a date with a dude last week and was in the bathroom for literally 30 min. I would’ve just up and left at that point 😂

  9. Had someone do this to me once. She eventually came out of the restroom, told me we weren’t a match and continued walking right out the door. I just looked at the bartender and shrugged. Of course, she left without paying too. I was going to get it but the bartender insisted that I should not.

    To this day, I still find it funny. It was just such an inappropriate response to a mediocre first date.

  10. I’ve kinda had the reverse happen to me. Excused myself to answer a phone call because my friend would NOT stop calling me and I thought it may be an emergency but couldn’t answer my phone in the loud bar. Returned 5-10 min later to find that he was gone and had blocked my number after he had driven me there. Had to wait 1 hour for an Uber at 1230am in the Fort Worth stockyards. Wouldn’t recommend.

  11. Oh I did that twice in a date with a girl, but it was because she had me eat her dish moments before, and it was a lot of suff with a lot of spicy things so I was like: ok I can do it, lol. Needless to say what I had to do in the bathroom, but I felt ashamed to tell her I had stomach issues, you know being the first date and all, a total disaster that date, lmao.

  12. I’ve used it . I could smell that cooch .
    It had died . And it was in the later stages of putrefaction. Oh no I got the killer kebab buthole . Sorry I gotta go . I’ll call you .
    Shinobi ghost mode engaged .

  13. They could be rolling a j or taking a shit or even fixing themselves to look good for you lol that’s kind of insane you would jump to conclusions on such a common thing.

  14. A lot of times my dates take more than 10 minutes in the bathroom because they are in there shooting up heroin

  15. No. But this weekend I had matched with a girl on bumble. Had a nice flirty, goofy conversation. We scheduled a date with a time and place the next day. She said she was excited.

    Next thing I know she unmatched with me and she didn’t show up to the date.I went and waited about 20 minutes before I gave up. It really bummed me out. I would have appreciated if she just told me she changed her mind.

    And I have honestly had this happen more times than I’ve actually been on dates. But that doesn’t stop me from feeling like crap when it happens.

  16. Yes. Happened to me several times. Always been the perfect gentleman, made them feel safe and confortable, interesting conversation and then she disappears to the ‘ladies’ and never comes back. I’ve ended up texting her, calling, knocking on the door, asking another woman to check if she’s in there. A few times I got so worried I called the manager/ security and on three occasions I spotted her getting into her car, or casually walking away or even one once chatting up another guy on a restaurant terrace a few hundred metres away. All that because she preferred to simply ghost me rather than tell me straight. It freaked me out at that particular moment, because I had all kinds of crazy scenarios playing out inside my head, only to realise that i’d actually dodged a bullet.

  17. I once had a date scheduled really near my pharmacy (like in the same little strip building). I forgot I needed to pick up a med, so I popped in, met the guy, and said give me five mins, I’m just gonna go get my medicine. He seemed really surprised I came back. I have never secretively left a date before so it didn’t occur to me that he would think I was lying. 😂

  18. Only once, though she didn’t leave directly, she went and got, I presume, an older lady to pretend to be her cousin and would hang out with her instead.
    I didn’t do anything that would be seen as threatening. In fact, all I did was sit next to her.

  19. I know this is different from your question but… Lol. I met a guy on an app. We had our first phone conversation and I got so sick (diarrhea) 20 minutes into our conversation. I really did enjoy our conversation, but I wasn’t comfortable telling him i had diarrhea only knowing him for 20 minutes. I did tell him that I was sick, and had to go. I LITERALLY couldn’t wait 5 seconds for a nice goodbye or to reassure him that I’d like to talk again. He CALLED ME BACK in 15 minutes asking if I really wanted to blow him off. I TRIED to assure him that I really was sick. About 6 months into our relationship I told him that I had diarrhea, and we had a good laugh. MAYBE they are blowing you off but there IS a chance the person really is sick!

  20. I used the bathroom excuse on a tinder date girl looked nothing like her pictures I litterally walked past her and didn’t notice her. She ended up trying to get me to buy her some clothes at the mall so I dipped to the bathroom before our movie and left.

  21. My friend had this happen to him, normally I’d say he probably unloaded a bunch of red flags, but I think he was legit scammed. They went to an expensive cocktail bar, where the bathroom was near the elevator, after a few rounds and some appetizers she “went to the bathroom” and never came back. He got stuck with the full bill. She ended up blocking him so he couldn’t get in touch with her. I felt really bad for him and think it’s really messed up that people do this.

  22. This happened to my cousin but not in the way you think.

    He’s military, and she didn’t know at the time. So on their date, he asked what her thoughts were on the military, to which she expressed her hate of soldiers and said a lot of nasty things.

    Long story short, he excused himself to the restroom, went out the back door, and left her there.

    I’m military as well so I relate, it’s actually kind of funny.

  23. I can’t say I have. I’ve been on around 100 dates over the years and have never had that happen to me surprisingly. I know this doesn’t help to hear and it sucks it happened to you I would never do that to someone else’s

  24. I’ve used the washroom numerous times on dates but to solely use the washroom for it’s intended purpose. After reading the comments, guess I was lucky I’ve had almost all good dates. Nothing to run from on both sides.

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