I’m (23F) and have been seeing this guy (23M), we started talking on the apps in late October, and we’ve been on like 5 dates. Overall every date has been pretty great, we both are looking for the same thing and we get along really well. I told him on our last date that I have an autoimmune disease and he seemed very understanding and was reassuring towards me and that it obviously wasn’t a big deal. After that date he also said “see you soon?” and I said yes (I was going out of town that weekend so I assumed that’s why he said that). After the date he texted he had a great time too. Even though he said all the right things at the time, over text it has felt kind of different since that last date. He hasn’t really been asking questions or some texts don’t feel like he’s wanting to keep the conversation going, and he’s been taking longer to respond. Should I just ask him if something is up? I really hate the dragging out game if it is going to end and I genuinely am confused bc of how well the last date went too.

  1. I would either match his energy or I saw a video where they said you could message something like this

    “Hey, I’ve noticed there’s been a shift in our dynamic, I just wanted to check in. Are you good?”

    This is for anxious attachment people who likes to an answer when they feel something off, which I have but getting better. My last guy slowly faded and I didn’t say anything and he ended up ghosting me and I just left it be.
    Was hard to heal and move on but it was for the best, we weren’t going anywhere anyways.

  2. Yup, you’re getting the slow fade. Dump him before he dumps you. he’s the obviously got an issue with your condition.

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