Ex GF texting/asking for something minor,a thing she thinks she forgot at my place.

My EX GF, texted me the other day after, two weeks of not talking, she is in a different state,500miles away. Asking me for a old plate that she thinks she forgot at my place. Her message was like” hey, do you have my license plate” ?? Did not answer, and i will not, because i said to her we are better off no contact, apart…absence..for some time, maybe forever. I was together with her almost 3 years. Back and forth, she described herself as poly at first, but she did sugar daddy stuff, became a stripper, which was very chaotic for not me, but anyone that knows her. Mean to people in general, would not show any…if it did very little happy facial expressions from her, a lot of disrespect,and i am looking for a good girl for most part, and I’m straight dude, that don’t want anyone else involved in this but me and her. i did deal with all her flaws, mistakes, told her she likes something else, to sleep around, she being younger than me…it might not be an excuse, that she is younger, i seen young girls doing the right thing, being respectful, loyal and have discipline. I don’t know how to deal with her, i do love her much, i told her i would even give my life for her if it’s me or her, that’s how much i love her…but she has to change a lil her habits to be with me. She said she tried, but again lies involved, and a lot of manipulation. I did wrong too, to be honest…blocked her because I couldn’t witness the things she was doing…Bottom line…how i deal with this message??

TL;DR : reaching out to see what?? Manipulate again??

  1. If you have the plates tell her you have them and if you don’t, then you don’t. Regardless of how much you feel towards her you both want different things. Don’t go back to her. You’re going to end up hurt. Trust me first hand had a girl with an open relationship mind set but sure never told me. It wad a messy break up she tried to use me for money even had me arrested claiming I hit her when I didn’t touch her for her to threaten to do it again if I didn’t pay whatever she wanted when she wanted while court was pending. I had to prove my innocence thankfully with witnesses it wasn’t hard but still should of just stayed away and could of avoided the whole thing. Heart break is hard people can get possessive and I especially stay away from the sugar baby type cause thats exactly what ex was trying to be. Just stay away from it. Stay safe and look for a girl that wants the same things you do.

  2. Do you have the plate?

    If you do, it may be the decent thing to tell her you will ship it to an address she requests. If she replies with anything except an address to send it too, ignore her completely.

    If you don’t, and you don’t want to reply, then don’t reply.

  3. I m not sure what plate she talking about, maybe license plate, I don’t even know if there is any in my house

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