what’s a moment that made you think “I love my grandparents”?

  1. After spending time with them by themselves. Just sitting and talking over a coffee

  2. A few weeks after my grandma passed away. Guess you never know what you have until you lose it right?

  3. Can’t say I did. Never met the grandfathers. Grandmothers weren’t particularly nice. Guess my dad’s mom was okay but… Mom’s mom was pretty much a bad person.

  4. Around 5 or 6 years ago, my grandpa called me out of blue, asking whether my computer had a “mouth”. A bit of back and forth and I understood that he was trying to buy me a printer as he had seen my printed out notes and books for the uni. He even went to a few stores asking around what would be a good fit for me and whatnot.

    I told him that I did not need one as I had a canon printer I bought a month ago. He then told me, and I am paraphrasing, “Son, we are soon out of this world. We want to leave you with something that you will remember us by.”

    He paid the entirety of my drivers ed. Got my license thanks to him.

  5. My grandparents always went the extra mile to do all kinds of stuff when I was a kid and I’d stay at their house. They would tell me stories of their childhoods and how it was tough for them. I learned so much from them and I’m thankful that I was able to actually know my mom’s dad. He was born in 1923 and lived to 94. He was my best friend. I still have my grandma and grandpa on my dad’s side and they are the best grandparents I could ask for. I starting having lunch with my grandma often and she likes hearing about what’s happening with me. I can tell her anything and she understands me.

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