How much effort do you put into your hairstyle?

  1. Very, very little. Use clippers to get it down to 1/4″ or 3/8″ all around. Wife shaves the very back of neck with clippers. Done. When it gets to the point where I might have to comb it, out comes the clippers again.

  2. I style it every day without fail, but that just means putting some product and combing it. That’s five minutes MAX. I was my hear with shampoo two times a week.

    My visits to the barber are infrequent right now, but that’s because I need to find a new one.

  3. I’m kind of lucky that I don’t have to. My hair is thick and wavy enough that it looks like an unkempt mop no matter what I do, so I keep it under control the best I can, but otherwise I just embrace the “thick, wavy, unkempt mop” look.

    I guess I could just cut it short, but I don’t like how I look with super short hair.

  4. I make sure I get it cut every other week. That’s about it. I wear it really short, so I don’t have to do anything more than spend about 15 seconds running my hand through it to put it in place when I get out of the shower

  5. I’ve just been buzzing my head for the last like 10 years, I take my time and make sure I do a good even job when cutting it but outside that it’s super low maintenance 👍

  6. Just enough to make it presentable. Keep it short, but get infrequent cuts since it has become so damned expensive. Never use gel or spray, use in 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner to save time, and just do a simple style to keep it out of my face.

    Mind you, I used to put more care into it when it was longer. Used to have down to my shoulders for a few years. Too much maintenance and too much money. I don’t begrudge women who do the same.

  7. Depends on if you count money as effort.

    I spend significantly more than the average dude on a stylist that knows what they’re doing with my very curly hair.

    But as far as the actual effort goes – shower, rub some curl cream into it with my hands and push anything out of shape to about where it should be – done. Takes <30 seconds (aside from showering itself)

  8. I’m going bald so I just shave my head Shane Walsh from Walking Dead season 2 style. And I like it…. Suits me fine

  9. I’m new to putting effort into my hair so on days when I do it’s usually 7-15 minutes roughy. Usually like 2 minutes tops to put the pomade in and then 5-13 minutes of playing with my combs hoping to find something I like and hopefully getting all the loose strands in check.

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