Or vice versa. You know that painfully embarrassing moment when you go to fist bump someone, but they go for daps, so you each switch back and forth awkwardly between open hand and closed fist until you either make it work or give up.

I hate when this happens SO MUCH because it can ruin a social experience for me, and I swear it happens to me more than anyone else. And I know I’m supposed to not beat myself up over it or assume it’s my fault, but it’s been happening to me way too often so I want to know if yall have any advice for avoiding this mistake?

  1. I totally get where you’re coming from.. Fist bumps and daps can be tricky, but there’s a simple trick to avoid the awkward back and forth. Just make sure you’re clear with your intentions before you initiate the greeting. For example, say something like “fist bump?” or “dap it up?”. That way, there’s no confusion and you can both be on the same page.

  2. Either wait stay with first decision until the other person switches or jokingly hit their open hand with your fist or viceversa.

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