It seems like a lot is said about getting a good s/o but what if you have one? What are you doing to make sure he sticks around?

  1. If he/she’s good, what do I need to do to keep them around?

    They’ll want to stay on their own.

    If I’m having to do extortionary things, then maybe they’re not a good partner.

  2. We are mutually caring for each other and serving each others needs. A successful relationship is built on mutual sacrifice. I sometimes need to sacrifice my wants so that his needs are met and vice versa.

  3. Be a good partner. Not be a good partner in response to their goodness. But be a good partner first and proactively.

    Be the person I want to marry. Be kind and caring. Know how to truly give love. Bring a full life and happiness to the table with me. Have plenty to offer.

    Keep myself healthy and attractive, the way I would want them to keep their self for me

    I don’t believe that each partner should get 50%. I believe that each partner should give 100%. Got to have each other’s back

    Be faithful. Put my partner first

  4. Just being an emotionally mature partner is huge. Communicating, being fair, choosing my battles, taking responsibility for myself and my emotions, etc. I want to have a respectful and loving relationship and keep it that way. There’s no room anywhere for resentment, contempt, high horses, passive aggressiveness, or any childish shit.

    I have a really good, kind, patient man. In the 4 years we’ve been together, I don’t think he’s ever been angry with me. I’m a sensitive and emotional person, and it would have been easy for me to make all of my big feelings HIS problem and expect him to cater to me. But I’m certain, as easygoing as he is, he would have gotten sick of me real fast if I took that approach. Lord knows I don’t have much else to offer, so I really think I’ve managed to keep him around just by being a mature and decent partner. 😂

  5. Be a good partner to them. Communicate, compromise, being kind, empathetic, and caring. Being trustworthy and faithful, showing respect and complimenting them. Listening to understand and resolve conflicts respectfully.

    Nothing extraordinary, it’s all things I’d normally do when I am committed to someone.

  6. Why do you assume it’s a man? Yikes.

    Also, breakfast in bed. And other breakfast in bed.

  7. You use the principle 60%/40% and you both do all it takes to be the 60% one.
    Also, communication is The key.
    Be reasonable, loyal, be there for them, support them and show the love for them.

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