How will women treat men once A.I. replaces design and engineering jobs?

  1. Same as before.

    I’d argue women aren’t attracted to an engineering job per se, but rather the money and status that comes with it. And if something is here to stay regardless of AI, it’s money and status.

  2. idk about women but i know us construction workers will be happy.. maybe we will finally get some correct prints

  3. AI is very good at synthesizing known information and will definitely start to replace rote, procedural tasks, but it needs a few more leaps in innovation before it really takes off, like “Here’s all the health research data in the world, go find a cure for cancer.”

  4. We’re people, so I hope other people will treat us like people, not the providers of services. I know this is largely because oversimplification, but for some reason both sides of the gender debate sound so objectifying towards the other side it’s getting annoying.

  5. Software engineer here. Someone’s gotta write, implement, and maintain the AI! It’s going to be one of the last jobs to go.

    Software engineers have been automating our own jobs for decades. That’s what we do. AI will just be another tool to do that, pushing our productivity higher.

    The gun isn’t nearly as dangerous to the one wielding it.

  6. People who think AI will replace Engineers knows nothing of AI or Engineers. This isn’t hollywood.

  7. Not that AI is that close to fully replacing all engineering jobs, but why are you worried about how women will treat men when this happens?

  8. Well, I work with HPC supercomputers and programs that use AI guided by engineers.

    I can tell you that men are safe for at least another 10 years. AI for engineering in any case is just optimization based on advanced curve fitting.

    BUT if you don’t ask an intelligent enough question, the answers you get are unintelligible. So it will take many engineers many years of research to learn how to start asking the right questions.

    But you probably still need a group of people taking that optimized structure and making it look like what a human consumer is willing to buy.

    I am one of these men engineers, I have AI, and I am not even a little bit worried.

  9. Are we really worried about this?

    I mean, are women really in to engineers, I was under the impression that’s a “no”.

    Source: im an Engineer

  10. As long as there are firefighters, one section of manhood will be treated very well. Remember fellas, we have groupies!

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