I’m not criticising this or anything, but honestly, there are so many US versions of UK shows! Examples include the office, queer as folk, and ghosts. Why is that?

  1. Because the premise and structure of the shows are good but the specific humor doesn’t always translate from Britain to America. Adaptations keep the former two but reorient the humor for American audiences.

  2. Because the British don’t capitalize on them and make like 6 seasons with only 28 episodes where 9 of them are Christmas episodes.

  3. a lot of comics have talked about the differences between British and American humor. British comedy culture tends to be drier and darker, I think. But a lot of shows get remade because someone across the pond (or sometimes the same person, like Gervais and Merchant being executive producers on the office US) likes the premise but has a different take on the humor.

  4. Yeah, people here expect a new episode every week in new seasons. And consistent seasons of at least 13 episodes. Network shows do around 20.

  5. Less financial risk to take a show that is already successful in a similar culture and just tailor it to fit our own.

  6. Mainly because US writers are kinda lazy and would rather do something that already exists than create new ideas, it’s the same reason there’s so many remakes out heck people are already talking about remaking Twilight or Harry Potter

  7. This isn’t unique to the US? A lot of countries take other countries shows and make their versions

  8. The UK version of Shameless (original version) lost me pretty quickly. The US version (the copy) is one of my favorite shows of all time. At least until a main character left.

    The UK had a great concept that worked well there. The US adapted it to be more appealing to a US audience.

    Happens all the time all over the world with a great variety of products.

  9. Just Hollywood business. It’s way easier to pitch a show that has some evidence of being able to succeed. Hollywood productions are expensive, and marketing is almost worse. It’s the same reason that the number of franchises and reboots is off the charts.

    And for the makers of the British shows, getting a Hollywood version gets you paid much more (less so right now, though). It’s not like the British one goes away, so they’d be crazy not to take the money.

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