i met her 3 years ago, we got together just over a year ago. i was 17 she was 16, can we still be together right now? or do we have to split?

  1. Its all good. Me and my girl are 2 years apart. As long as its not like 4-5 years it gets weird. Pretty sure Arizona is romeo and Juliet state

  2. I’m gonna be honest with u bro, at the age y’all are at, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. It’s NOT impossible though. You can try. But folks do a lot of dumb shit at that age. And also do alot of living at that age. There’s less consequence, or lack of forethought of those consequences. This is the exact reason I refuse to take anyone under 25 serious. A long distance relationship at your age is a lot. It’s a lot at any age honestly. for you and her. But like I said it’s not impossible. You can try but don’t be surprised if u find out she’s been with another guy. If you have kids that changes everything though

  3. Legally that should be fine. There are laws to protect relationships like that. If you wanna be super safe maybe just like don’t have sex or anything till she’s 18.

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