We all wear it, but IS it or is it NOT professional to not wear it?

  1. I used to shoot pro headshots – wear makeup so it appears you’re not wearing makeup!

  2. I wear make up as if it was a normal day. That way they’d see me how I’d be presented daily.

  3. I don’t think people look inherently unprofessional without make-up, however being well-groomed and taking pride in your appearance is important in a professional setting in my opinion.

    As a supervisor who hires people, when I see someone come to work or an interview who doesn’t look like they put any effort into their appearance, I wonder if they will put any effort into work or even care about the job at all. That doesn’t necessarily mean make-up but other grooming habits like having clean skin, tweezed eyebrows, and hair that’s fixed.

  4. Makeup to interviews. For regular day, it really depends on the job. My current job is WFH so I don’t wear makeup every day, but when I worked at Macy’s, it was “required”.

  5. I didn’t wear it, but I don’t wear it, and anyway I work in a field where makeup is not necessary, nor expected (at least for now).

    And no it is not unprofessional to not wear it. If men don’t have to spend time and money on it, then neither do we.

  6. I never felt like it was necessary and I don’t wear it regularly, so I can wouldn’t wear it for interviews. You can dress up and look nice without it, men do it all the time.

  7. No make-up. Never wear it. Don’t own any. My professional skills have nothing to do with make-up. Make-up has no bearing on how well I interview or how well I perform my job.

    If it makes other women feel confident etc that’s great, and more power to them 🙂 but for me personally, hard no.

  8. Depents a bit on the job interview. Where do you want to work?

    Is it for a secretary job, than subtle make up, like mascara, soft eye shadow etc. Professional looking.

    Are you going for make up artist or something, then it can be heavier.

    Are you going for a job like machanic or something. Then dont wear make up. You can look prissy and like you dont want to get your hands dirty.

    So like i said: depends on the job.

  9. i’m involved in hiring, and makeup has never really been a factor. appropriate clothing, shoes, clean hair have been. i guess if someone showed up with like tiktok style makeup it would be one thing.

    most of my coworkers wear light makeup, some don’t wear any.

    we do not hire men with long beards though.

  10. All I’ve ever done for an interview is some mascara and lipstick maybe a hint of shadow. I don’t wear makeup in my day to day. I don’t like makeup and feel it should only enhance your features not change it. Also men don’t wear makeup so I’m not gonna. I don’t shave my legs and have worn dresses too. No issues

  11. Hm I guess whatever makes me feel most comfortable but also just thinking about the job like I use to really like working as the summer camp worker so when getting interviewed I’d be sure to wear light comfortable easy to move clothes with light to no make up but if it’s more of a professional desk or like adult job lol I would probably use make up (I love playing with make up but I get nervous and feel like everyone can tell and is looking at me if I have too much on in public so I’d keep it light just so I can feel comfortable) I think that’s most important what gives you comfort and confidence 😊

  12. I don’t wear it, so wouldn’t wear it.

    But if I DID, then the level of which I applied it would entirely depend on the job. Mechanic? Minimal. Beauty Magazine Editor? Yep I’d be done up better than the front page.

    Surely it’s all about context?

  13. Just enough to balance my skin tone and very slightly highlight my eyes. I don’t wear makeup to work though

  14. I have some trouble with my skin, lots of uneven redness and I’m super prone to stress breakouts, so I feel way more confident with some foundation and concealer and some light eye makeup to make my eyes stand out a bit more. I keep it to the “natural” look, but definitely won’t show up without any makeup. I am not sure what the perception would be if I went no makeup, but I would feel insecure and not presentable and would definitely perform worse because of it.

  15. Personally either, but my ‘makeup’ is literally just bb cream and lip gloss.

    Neither is more or less professional. But I’d say the look employers are most likely to be unconsciously biased towards is natural-looking makeup.

  16. Personally yes because I’m trying to show I put effort into how I present myself, but if it’s not something you usually wear than definitely not necessary. I just feel more “put together”

  17. I think that really depends DS on how you look without it. If you look like a normal person then that’s fine. If you look super tired or your skin looks dirty without then you should wear it.

  18. Super basic makeup. Frame the face and I would say a nice lip balm/lip gloss is good

  19. I don’t wear makeup to interviews because I don’t wear makeup. If it’s required for me to be professional it should be required for the men to be professional too. Otherwise it’s just sexism.

  20. Wear what you would wear to work. If that’s no makeup, then wear no makeup. If it’s full on “ready for IG”, then wear that.

    Be your true self. If the company doesn’t like your true self, then it’s not the right fit for you.

  21. I usually don’t wear makeup, unless it’s a special event, but I would for an interview.

    I used to wear it everyday pre-covid but since I’ve been WFH, I stopped. I still wear makeup for interviews, even if virtual, but I don’t think it makes a difference in whether they hire you or not.

  22. Wear subtle make up. Too much and you run the risk of being off putting. None and you run the risk of being seen as unmotivated about the opportunity. Never expect your interview panel to be reasonable human beings. They can, and will, judge you over the smallest things.

  23. I will not wear makeup for a job interview. I do not wear it 99.9% of the time and I absolutely do not want to work in a place that will have an issue with that. Similarly I will not dress in a way that I am unwilling to keep up daily during a job interview-if they have an issue with it then I want to know upfront, not after I have accepted a job.

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