Saw conflicting studies. One stating those who start having sex as teens are more confident in their sexuality, more likely to have successful dating/sex lives, and healthy relationships. Less likely to get in trouble, drugs or stealing, etc.

And the other stating those who have early sex are more likely to be emotionally stunted, have multiple partners/failed relationships, unprotected sex and increased risk of STDs. And more likely to take other risks(drugs).

  1. I had sex at 17. I’m an overachiever and good looking, so my relationships have been great and I have zero incentive for settling. Had a long relation for nearly 6 years, learned a lot, now a relationship for about 1.5 years. Had ups and downs with the second one more than the first because of communication issues, being my partners first boyfriend is kinda tough

  2. I was 17. I think it was the right age. Although i am a bit of a slut when I’m not dating. And i occasionally cheat

  3. lost my V card in my teens, turned out fine. I feel like most people lose it in their teens because of school. As an adult its pretty taboo to start screwing coworkers.

    I’ve found the greatest impact on my love life was my parents and upbringing as a child, not so much when I lost my virginity.

  4. I dated my high school girlfriend for a year before we decided to give our virginity to each other at 17. We split up a year later when we went to college, but neither of us dated, and we ended up having a summer together abroad before we split (very amicable). I was a little more hung up on her than she was on me, but she had her relationships and I had mine. After dating a few girls, I met my wife, who I married at 26. I’ve had a total of seven sexual partners. Happily married 13 years.

  5. Had sex at 14. Definitely too young. I had a man-whore phase right outta high-school and slept with probably too many women. Had some spotty and some great relationships. The last one was very bad and ended so poorly I haven’t even wanted even a sexual relationship with a woman since.

    Don’t think my having sex early can be blamed for where I’m at now though lol.

  6. Id say pretty well for me. I’m married, been with her for about a decade now, overall couldn’t ask for more with that. Had a little more time to experiment so I think that was helpful, figured out I’m bi around partner #2-3. Can def understand how figuring that kinda stuff out later in life could be complicated

    On flip side I did get in some trouble earlier in life and struggled with some substances but turns out I have adhd so now I just do legal substances

  7. What are your sources for these negative studies!? They sound comically dogmatic.

    If you’re in a legal, safe, and consenting situation, do whatever you (both) want. Be thoughtful, experimental, informed, and honest. Reflect and communicate to learn.

    It’s not just a physical experience either. There’s emotional ups and downs, and that’s part of life. That is the healthy way, I assure you.

  8. I started at 14. My adult dating life has been fun and varied, but I haven’t been able (or willing) to put together a long term relationship.

  9. Probably was too young to deal with it and the emotional commiment, but it was good to get the awkwardness out of the way with a practice relationship before having a real one.

  10. I had sex for the first time at 16. Put myself though college and law school, happily married to the woman of my dreams, never had a STD, and have never done drugs.

  11. These “studies” sound like typical outdated and narrow minded bs. There’s way too many variables in life to relate how someone turns out and how they started. There’s a lot that can happen or not happen in the middle there.

  12. My stepdaughter fell pregnant at 18

    Had one daughter.

    They married.

    Had a second daughter.

    They divorced.

    Her ex got married and had 2 sons.

    Separated, with another woman, one child.

  13. I had sex at 17 with a girl who probably met the definition of “daddy issues”, who was probably also borderline. It was too intense of a relationship for that age, and it both killed my confidence and soured me on dating for a long time.

    I was basically out of the game for a decade afterwards. A few rare dates at university that went nowhere, and my immediate post-university years were a complete dead period from dating (career was another reason at this time). But by my late 20s, online dating sites became popular, and my confidence (as well as what I was bringing to the table) significantly improved. I ended up dating quite a bit and had some very rewarding sexual experiences.

    My wife and I have a pretty good sex life (it doesn’t hurt that I find her smoking hot), although now that we have two kids, the frequency is maybe a bit lower than we would prefer.

  14. I did it with a ton of girls, then met one I really liked and later married her. I’ve never dated as an adult. But my relationship turned out amazing!

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