I’m not a very sexual person let’s start with this and he for sure knows it, even tho we had a lot of misunderstandings about it.
I feel guilty all the time because I’m not a hyper sexual but I also can’t just force this feeling on me. We had a FaceTime, he asked if we could do it ( we are ldr so it’s pretty common to masturbate on camera), I agreed and we did it.
After we finished it I washed up and when I came back to the call he said that he was pretty off because I wasn’t really looking at him(?) while he was showing me. I mean I looked from time to time but I kept like throwing my head back because I mean I was masturbating?
Then he tells me that i was imagining things and says that I am a liar because I was denying it. I wasn’t imagining stuff(?), my head was clear and I was just enjoying the moment.
Then he said “ if you don’t believe that you were closing your eyes I can show you a video that I took”. I was shocked that he even recorded it without me knowing it at first.
The conversation took completely different turn and he started talking about “imagine if I did stuff without even looking at my partner”, continuing saying that he feels unwanted. I apologised multiple times and said it wasn’t my intentions to make him feel that way but he was just laughing. I want to hear your opinion and maybe just an advice.

  1. Wow. Apologized? That was totally not necessar, you did nothing wrong.. He’s got some seriously twisted thoughts in his head and seriously needs to chill the fuck out. I’d put him in time out. He needs to go to his corner.

    Oh and recording it without your knowledge? That’s cause for a permanent breakup. That’s just wrong. I would never forgive that.

  2. Well first off ,he shouldn’t be recording without consent. Secondly your dude sounds like an arrogant asshat. I could be wrong on the second but that’s just how I feel based on your description of events. You need to have a good talk with him about this. Perhaps in person and not FaceTime. People are more likely to say things they wouldn’t when there’s distance.

    I don’t see an issue with your movement based on what you said. Most women I’ve been with do something similar. He sounds jealous or insecure. Like he thought you were thinking of someone els?

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