The why is really the more important part here. what makes you interesting and why.

  1. I’m old, I’m cranky and I have a lot of great stories, some of which are even true.

  2. Good amount of knowledge in the field of history. Thanks to that, I can often drop interesting facts about random stuff. I am also generally quite knowledgable within social sciences. And my dreadlocks. Natural dreadlocks.

  3. I’m a grown up, right? I’m not in Jr. High School. I understand square footage on homes. And my eyes can see. And I think about stuff.

  4. I’m passionate about a lot of things, so i know my way about the ring , I’m goal oriented so i have some discipline and dedication , i think from 19 every thing i did i took full responsibility of it, and i took a lot of unconventional career / educational choices , so in theory i can do every thing I can if I want to no one will stand in my way

  5. I know a lot of things because I waste my time reading anything I find instead of focusing on my problems. And since I’m good at faking interest in people , I usually have one or two thing to connect with them.

  6. US Army war vet, have my barbers license, Journeyman lineman license, CDL and I hope finish my Electrical engineering degree soon. Jack of all trades master of none. If I can’t fix it, it probably can’t be fixed.

  7. I am blessed with being intelligent and curious and I have seized many opportunities to do things that are not commonly experienced.

    I have ridden many motorcycles, done many drugs, danced in front of many crowds, driven many miles, etc.

    It would be fair to say that I was mildly starved for stimulation as a kid, and that influenced who I am as an adult. And to that end I’ve been leading what I would like to believe is an interesting life.

  8. I’m open minded and a good listener. I can usually find something Interesting in what the other person is talking about to keep the conversation going.

  9. I live to make other people, objects, occasions realize their full potential. I make everything around me just a little bit better.

  10. I love to mess around a lot and I’m a class clown. At the same time I’m very smart and people sometimes overlook that a lot. I’m also a history nerd and love watching war documentaries and reading about it.

  11. I am interesting because I am *interested*. Being interested in the world around you makes you curious and curiosity makes you seek answers. The journeys you take to find those answers, the other things you discover along the way, and the new questions that emerge when you find those answers are what makes you interesting.

  12. My enthusiasm towards life despite the struggles.

    My philosophy that keeps me going

    My stories and reflections on them.

  13. I already figured out more about you as a person than you realize by the time you walk up to me.

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