And how did it change your life?

  1. Wealthy people I’ve met dress well but plainly and try not to flaunt their wealth because that’s how you get into trouble. The family I know keep the expensive cars for special occasions. They drive the Toyotas into the city. Don’t want to attract unnecessary attention after all.

  2. That once a cheapskate, always a cheapskate…most often when it comes to other people’s needs 🙃 Beware those of you who will ever have to work with the ”self-made” new rich.

  3. To just ask confidently for what you want!

    Children from rich families are typically raised with a strong sense of entitlement. They learn to ask – or demand – boldly for whatever they want. And it works so well because most people are conflict-averse, and will give in.

    People from working class backgrounds, OTOH, are typically raised to be more submissive to authorities, e.g. school staff. Subsequently, they are pushed around or dragged along, while rich kids and their parents can co-shape everything, e.g. the next school trip.

    Same at work and in any other social context: Having the “skill” to just ask for what you need, e.g. getting insights from or outsourcing tasks to experts is a 10x game-changer and unfair advantage (vs. the poor, “uninitiated” upstart who tries doing everything themselves…).

    Even though it’s so simple and costs nothing… Just ask!

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