The tea in places like Costa and Starbucks is so bad. And usually served with hot but not boiling water. Paying like £3 for this rubbish?
Even the tea you make at home is way better in various other countries. Cheaper, too.

  1. The coffee is crap in these places too! You want tea you need to go to an old school tea shop, if you want coffee… Go to Europe!

  2. Eh? Don’t go to bad coffee shops and expect good tea.

    Whilst good tea shops are few and far between, they do exist.

    Also, good tea doesn’t lend itself to takeaway shops as they don’t want to slow things down by waiting for the tea to steep for the right amount of time.

    There are a few around though, such as Bird and Blend

  3. Why you getting tea at a franchise “coffee” chain?

    You’re totally looking at wrong places.

  4. These places use cattering tea bags. Which are much smaller than regular tea bags, leaving the tea very weak and tasting like dishwater.


    I prefer tea, but if i’m ever out i’ll only get a coffee.

  5. Whittards or T2 both sell tea to take away, not had Whittards but T2 is pretty good and you’ll not find a broader selection of options.

  6. Yeah the salads aren’t good in burger restaurants either, doesn’t mean you can’t get good quality salads in the UK.

  7. Because we all drink standard tea and two sugars anything else we drink and say it’s fine.

  8. Also you can have better coffee at home that Starbucks and Costa, they’re not to be aspired to for quality

  9. To make good tea you need properly boiling water. To make good coffee, the water should be a little cooler than that. Places that have espresso machines (which heat water to the perfect temperature to make coffee) sometimes use the water from the espresso machine to make tea instead of waiting for a kettle to boil. This water is not hot enough and the tea won’t brew properly. Places that have an expensive espresso machine to pay for in profits are also likely to mark up the cost of their hot drinks. Thus, expensive but crappy tea.

  10. Your UK residency has been revoked you have 30 seconds to exit the premises………..



  11. The coffee in chain shops is made with water that’s the correct temperature for the coffee they are using, google says that’s 90.5-96.1celcuis, which is not hot enough for tea.

    the ‘ Barista’ are trained following set process’s to make coffee, the limit of tea training is tea bag in a cup with tepid water.

    Also, almost non of the chain coffee shops use Yorkshire tea, so it will never be good enough.

  12. That’s because those places sell what I term “Designer Teas” They are all shit.

    In desperate need of a cup of tea one day I stopped at one of these places once. Walked in and asked for a cup of tea. The young lady asked me what kind…..

    “Just normal tea?”

    She pointed to a board with about a dozen names I didn’t even recognize, I mean, what is “Effervescent Lavender Chai”?

    “How much is a cup of tea?” I queried.


    No thanks, I’d rather drink my own urine, and it would probably taste better………..

  13. Why can’t you get a good cup of tea in a coffee shop?

    For the same reason you can’t get a good veggie burger in a steak house.

  14. Lots of people good given good answers. I also think it can depend what tea type and whether they sell enough of it. I’ve definitely found that tea can taste stale if the box has been open for a while.

  15. Because the entire UK cafe industry has arranged itself around making coffee.

    And coffee machines churn out water slightly cooler than the ideal temperature for making tea.

  16. Would never buy tea from a coffee shop. I would go to a tea shop. Feels kind of stupid saying it outl loud but there it is.

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