We’ve been dating for about 7 months and they’ve honestly been the best of my life and I think she would say the same. Everything is perfect in our relationship right now but I think I just need a break from the relationship for a little bit just to soul search about life and myself and I just need the pressure of a relationship to be gone for a bit. I still want to be with her though but I’m scared that initiating the “can we take a break” might randomly snowball into a breakup.

  1. I’m always wary when someone said they need to take a break to soul search or whatever. What pressure are you feeling? Is there something you’re hoping to find specifically?

    I personally don’t like the idea of breaks. I had a long term relationship in which we took breaks all the time because we needed to get away from each other. Pretty big red flag in hindsight. After that I’ve learned that breaks aren’t something I want to need on a regular basis with my partner.

  2. it’s like you want to be single but also have someone around on your terms. That’s not how it works lol.

  3. There’s no such thing as a break.
    This isn’t a tv show or video.
    You are, or you are not.

    What are you?

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