Hi reddit! Been talking to this guy for about 5 months? I’m 24M and he’s 23M. He’s in school and has bad ADHD so his effort lacks, but he reassures that he likes that I reach out to make plans and stay in contact, etc. His free time is sparse and he has said explicitly that he isn’t in a place to commit to anything romantic, but enjoys being friends. While I respect the platonic boundary, parts of me still feel comfortable enough to express some flirtatious acts and words.

In this context, I haven’t seen him in over a month and part of me wants to surprise him at his place with a coffee he likes and just say hi, but again, I don’t know if I’d be crossing a boundary or be looking obsessive. For more context, the coffee place we frequent is down the street from his place, so I wouldn’t deliberately be going out of my way but still haha just a grander gesture than I’m used to and very new to the dating scene. I guess just trying to learn do’s and dont’s but I know that most likely depends on the person.

Thanks for any feedback!

1 comment
  1. I think it would be a really good idea, even if you didn’t have feelings for him, because it’s kinda, plus you too haven’t seen each other in a month

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