So I’m not a great drinker. I don’t get violent or anything – just that I do get depressed on too much alcohol, and if I’m not drunk and numb things can feel very overwhelming very quickly as I’m a Highly Sensitive Person, especially to loud music, flashing lights and big crowds of people in aggressive environments fuelled by alcohol – which in turns exhausts me and drains my social battery!

I have tried going sober on many occasions but then I don’t exactly feel super confident, nor am I as socially outgoing and funny as I am when I’ve been drinking, but if I drink and get rejected then it hits me harder.

Where do you balance your natural confidence and Dutch courage confidence?

1 comment
  1. Alcohol is a depressant. What ways can you cope with the overwhelming parts of life? We may think alcohol gives us something or brings out a side of us thats better or more but really everyone is impaired. So at least everyone’s judgment is getting skewed. Are there some safe ways you can practice being socially sober?

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