I want to know if my feelings are valid and if what I experienced was unusual. My husband and I got married a couple weeks ago. I had thought that I had a really good relationship with all of his friends. We play video games together and they’ve come to our place a few times. However, at the wedding, while a couple of his friends made really beautiful wedding speeches mentioning us as a couple, two of his friends made very long speeches and did not mention me at all. I mean literally no acknowledgement, not even “best wishes to the couple”. It was just long speeches of how wonderful my husband is and how they love him. I heard this is what you do when you hate the spouse so much you have nothing nice to say about them. Some people at the wedding even mentioned to me without prompt that I wasn’t acknowledged by these people and it really embarrassed me that others noticed too. Now I feel as though these two guys don’t like me and feel really awkward around them. The only reason I can think of for them not liking me is that I’m a different race and religion from them and my husband and all of their other friends. I’m feeling alienated and like I haven’t been fully accepted. Any advice? Thank you in advance.

  1. Haaaaaave you spoken to your husband about this? Chances are you’re reading too much into it. My husbands buddies made a couple of “not so about me” speeches and it wasn’t anything personal.

  2. You really need to relax and let it go. You cannot analyze their speeches as if they are professional speech writers.
    I have given multiple groomsman speeches and multiple best men speeches and I have never once actually written anything down. Everything is on the spot improvised with references to long past, recent past and present.
    So you really should just let it go

    Edit: spelling

  3. 99.9 % it has nothing to do with you. They were just thinking about themselves and how his marriage will change that friendship. They were just oblivious, because they are a little immature and didn’t think of mentioning you.

  4. They like you just fine.

    If you’re really insecure about it, ask them about it. They’ll probably be shocked to know you feel this way.

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