What convinces you that you are alive?

  1. I think the fact that I can feel stuff, like… If you weren’t alive, could you have emotions? Or could you have relationships with other people?
    Basically everything that happens wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t born (butterfly effect), so I guess the whole world is proof of you being alive…

  2. Life is nothing more than a tragic misstep in our endless journeys of non-existence.

    But during that misstep, one gets to witness so much. The beautiful kaleidoscope of butterflies swarming the corpse of a creature who never had a name. Elephants frolicking amongst trees, whales splashing on the barrier that seperates our world from another.

    One gets to see burning stars cut across the night sky, and mountains spew forth liquid fire. One gets to experience the most critical element for life constantly change into every state of matter and yet somehow be barely accessible to large parts of the world.

    One gets to witness beautiful chaos and chaotic order. Young life snuffed out by senseless violence that’s claimed to be righteous while the righteous are snuffed out by those who have become senseless. Parasites that take up home in a child’s eye but still try to protect themselves when attacked. Creatures that can no more than crawl, eating those who can fly away.

    It’s the chaos and destruction that confirms our time in the realm of existence.

  3. Playing Disc Golf

    If you don’t already play it, give it a try, it’ll bring you fun the rest of your life and will definitely make you feel alive.

  4. I’ve struggled with this lately, I wonder if reality is real or maybe we are all just a lie

  5. As opposed to what?

    Being dead?

    Being in matrix similation?

    Having taken some insane drugs six hours ago and my whole life has just been one long drug trip?

  6. We’re not. This is all just a big simulation, and we’re nothing more than a couple of lines of code

  7. Nothing. For all I know, all of this can just be my own little hell, or memories of a life I lived.

  8. The constant secreting and excreting. If I were dead I’m sure it would have stopped by now.

  9. I’m not completely convinced. So times I think I died and I am in a really mediocre purgatory

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