When I’m in the driver seat taking life head on I feel like a jerk bc I’m using ppl to get what I want.

When I’m in the passenger seat I feel anxious bc I’m letting life pass me by.

Or should I just be like “all this thinking isnt helping just do and dont worry about how others feel”

Every morning I wake up I feel like a loser. I think to myself am I supposed to do what I want or do things so I stop feeling like a loser.

But when it comes to doing what I want, nothing comes to mind. I just feel like I need to be better than who I am rn.

I only feel like a loser because I’m comparing myself to my friends and family. And to influencers I look up too.

How am I supposed to feel about life.

1 comment
  1. There are lots of ways to feel about life and yours is one them. You’re not alone. In my experience it’s better to go for what you want. But, and here’s the nuance, without worry TOO MUCH about others. It’s good to be a little concerned otherwise you’ll increase the chances of acting dishonorably. You don’t want to screw people over right? You’re not that kind of person. You have a conscience.

    Think, act, and evaluate.

    And when you catch yourself comparing yourself to others, stop yourself from going any further. Rather than taking an adversarial position. Be inspired by what they’ve done.

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