I have had various sexual partners but I have never orgasmed during sex. Maybe one time I jacked off after she orgasmed, but all the other times I never have. This is despite being a horny dog and getting easily turned on by girls.

I never felt much pleasure either, but I had phimosis so my foreskin was always covering my glans anyway during sex. I got circumcised this august.

I have had sex a handful of times with a new partner and the issues persist, I have no pleasure from sex and I end up losing my erection. Particularly after standing up. I have been to an urologist and GPs and I have been prescribed with a generic version of Cialis, first time I took it didn’t do shit and second time I lasted longer but also lost erection after standing up. Urologist now prescribed me with an injection giving instantaneous erection but haven’t tested it yet. I am seeing a sexologist soon.

But perhaps you have some info for me on the no pleasure while standing up part? I have masturbated sitting most of my life and the times I did it standing I remember having to bend my knees (something like half-squat) to get pleasure and orgasm. I also noted that when I am masturbating sitting, if I stand up with legs straight, feeling drastically changes from pleasure to almost nothing and I soon lose my erection.

I have thus tried masturbating, and when reaching climax soon, standing up. I noticed that my legs automatically start to bend, like I lose control. This part you may have knowledge about.

Please help reddit, I’m so young and this is making me seriously depressed.

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